难倒50万老外的数学题 我们初中生就能解了
Following the slew of brainteasers that have been sweeping the web, internet users are now being baffled by a new mind-boggling riddle. 继一系列的脑筋急转弯席卷网络后,网友们近日被一个最新的令人费解的谜题难住了。 The puzzle involves working out the values of three symbols - a horse, a horseshoe and a cowboy boot. 这个迷题需要算出三个符号的数值——一匹马,一个马蹄和一个牛仔靴。 It sounds simple enough, but the infuriatingly hard-to-grasp solution hasfoxed plenty of those trying to complete it. 这个题看上去非常的简单,但是这个令人恼火且让人摸不着头脑的答案诱使很多人尝试去完成。 It's already garnered over 500,000 comments and 13,500 shares since it was posted on Facebook. 自从在脸书发布以后已经收到超过50万的评论和1万3500次分享。 The puzzle consists of four questions, the first three have which have already been answered. 这个迷题包含四个问题,前面三个已经有答案了。 The final question requires you to add the cowboy boot and the horse and multiply by the horseshoe to come up with the corresponding numerical value. 最后一个问题要求你将牛仔靴和马相加然后乘以马蹄铁得出相应的数值。 Answers left in the comments section have varied wildly, ranging from 12 to 48. But, despite initial appearances, the true answer is 21. 评论部分的留言答案差异很大,从12到48的都有。但是,最初迹象表明,正确答案是21。 The first question, involving three horses adding up to 30, tells us that the value of a horse is 10. 第一个问题,3匹马加起来等于30告诉我们每匹马代表的数值是10。 The second equation, featuring two horseshoes and a horse, allows us to deduce the value of the horseshoe is 4. 第二个算式里,两个马蹄铁和一匹马,我们推断一个马蹄铁代表的数值是4。 The third equation tells us that the value of a cowboy boot is 2. 第三个算式告诉我们一个牛仔靴的数值是2。 Now, the final question is asking the solution to 10 + 2 x 4. 所以,最后一个问题的答案是1+10×2。 Some maths-savvy people were able to figure out the solution to the puzzle right away. 一些数学好的人能马上算出这个难题的答案。 One commenter was still confused after the answer was explained to him. 一些人在跟他们解释了答案是怎么得出来以后还是非常的迷惑。 Alex was adamant that the correct solution 'doesn't exist'. Alex坚持认为正确答案“不存在”! 然而这个数学题不就是个三元二次方程么,英语君相信应该我们一个初中生也能解吧…… |