1. Promised Land - Tahiti 上帝应许之地——大溪地 Tahiti- the island is full of picturesque landscape, vanilla farms, and worthy rain forests. Tahiti gets few tourists as compared to Hawaii. So you and your guests will enjoy great service and free beaches. Evening can be cool and dry season runs from May to October. You have to remind you guests to pack sweaters for the evening. 塔希提岛以其如画风景享誉世界,到处都是棕榈树、芬芳的香草农场和值得印成明信片的雨林风景。相比夏威夷,塔希提岛上的游客要少!因此你和客人们可以享受更优质的服务和地广人稀的海滩。5月到8月的晚上可能又冷又干燥,因此你最好提醒你的客人带上毛衣。 |