这两天完全被美国大选刷屏了,这场玉米穗大战肺炎老太太的神剧居然获得了美国相关剧种有史以来最高的收视率,就连我们这帮隔着个太平洋的吃辣条群众也每天围观。 OK,有热闹肯定是要凑的嘛,今宵有剧今宵追,莫使手机空耗电,人生得意须尽欢,温饱何不思淫逸?不过,凑了这么多热闹,贡献了这么多流量,但大家真的都清楚美国大选究竟是个什么鬼吗? 比如,当选总统的规则是什么?一人一票选总统?谁拿了更多谁当选? No no no no no no, too young too simple, sometime naive. 美国的那个华莱士要是听到你们这么说,是要踢你们屁屁的。 所以,为了保护大家的臀围,英大今天倾情献上一篇硬技术科(懒)普(人)文(贴),让大家10分钟弄明白美国人这四年一度的豪华版过家家到底是个神马。 1. How They Do Election 1. 竞选是什么鬼 对,当选条件并不是赢得更多的popular vote(普选票),而是赢得一半以上的electoral vote(选举人票)。 简单来讲,整个选举的过程是酱紫的: 1). 每个州(state)和它们的地方政府(local government)会举行预选(primary election)或党内大会(caucus)来决定参选人。 2. What Are The Parties 2. 党派是什么鬼 美国现在实行的是所谓的两党制(two-party system),这两个党分别是民主党(Democratic Party)和共和党(Republican Party)。 总的来说,民主党偏向自由主义(liberalism),政策会倾向于开放、革新。我们熟悉的克林顿、奥巴马都是民主党的,这次参选的希拉里就是民主党的参选人。 而共和党偏向保守主义(conservatism),政策会倾向于守旧、排外、孤立。老布什、小布什、川普都是共和党的。 不过这些政策倾向都只是大方向,实际的执政情况总是在动态变化。 3. Why A Donkey & An Elephant 3. 驴和大象是什么鬼 对欧美媒体比较关注的童鞋可能知道,当政治漫画中出现这两个党派,通常会画一只驴和一只大象。对,驴代表的就是民主党,而大象代表的是共和党。 那么,为甚呢?首先来看看民主党的驴: 字幕如下: The donkey. Clever, tough, courageous, stubborn. 驴,聪明、难搞、勇敢、顽固。 I’ll lay that it’s also the symbol of the Democratic Party. 我还要告诉你,它也是民主党的象征。 So how did these two get hitched in the first place? 所以,它们两个一开始是怎么搞在一起的呢? Way back in 1824, Andrew Jackson was one of 4 Democratic Republican candidates for president. 早在1824年,安德鲁·杰克逊是民主共和国的4个总统候选人之一。 Jackson won the most votes. 杰克逊赢得了最多的选票。 Because nobody had the majority of the electoral college votes, that meant the House Representatives got to pick the next President. And they picked John Quincy Adams. 由于没有人获得过半数的选举人票,于是最终将由众议院代表来决定谁当总统。而他们的决定是约翰·昆西·亚当斯。(Electoral college指的是总统选举团,并不是一所大学) Jackson was so mad. He decided to start his own party. 杰克逊气疯了。于是他决定成立自己的政党。 Simply called the Democrats. 名字很简单,就叫民主党。 His opponents nicknamed him Andrew Jackass. 他的对手们给他起了个绰号叫安德鲁·傻驴。 But Jackson didn’t mind. In fact saw it as a badge of honor. 但是杰克逊并不介意。实际上,它觉得这就是个荣誉勋章。 He viewed donkeys as strong-will hardworkers with commitments to others, much like himself. 在他眼里,驴是意志坚定的劳模,愿意为他人现身,就和他自己一样。 The beast of burden became his maskant. 这种负重的动物成了他的形象代言人。 Still, the donkey has never been officially adopted by the party. But its influence is there. 不过,民主党从来没有正式启用驴这个公众形象。但驴的影响力一直都在。 Lyndon Johnson said being a president is like being a jackass in a hailstorm. There’s nothing to do but stand there and take it. 林登·约翰逊曾说过:做总统就像做一只冰雹风暴里的驴,你该做的就是挺直腰杆承受这一切。 And Franklin Roosevelt even had a pet donkey as a child. 而富兰克林·卢瑟福在孩童时期甚至还有只宠物驴。 When you think about it, stubbornness in donkeys is all about self-preservation. I guess it’s not a surprise the Democrats are the longest surviving party in America. 其实仔细想一想,驴的固执完全是出于自保。所以我想这也就不难理解为什么民主党是美国历史上最长命的政党了。 真是个感人的故事,英大唯一的顾虑是:小时候养驴不怕被驴踢坏脑袋吗? OK,那么接下来看看为什么共和党是只大象: 字幕如下: Elephants. Strong, dignified. 大象。强壮,庄严。 Harmless when calm. Unstoppable when threatened. 冷静的时候人畜无害,受到威胁的时候根本挡不住。 That’s what Thomas Nast thought in 1874 when he drew an elephant to depict the Republican Party in a political cartoon. 而托马斯·纳斯特也是这么想的,所以他在1874年的一副政治漫画里用一只大象来象征共和党。 It didn’t take long for newspapers across the country to pick up the image. 没过多久,全国的报纸都开始用这个形象了。 The Republican Party and the packing term had been united ever since. 而自那以后共和党和这个公众形象就没有分开过。 We may not know that President of Sri Lanka gave a baby elephant to President Regan in 1984. 我们可能不知道的是:1984年斯里兰卡的总统送了一只象宝宝给里根总统。 And Gerald and Betty Ford had an elephant room in their house decorated with elephant ornaments given to the couple by the Grand Old Party supporters. 而杰拉德·福特和贝蒂·福特的家里还有个摆满了大象装饰品的房间,这些东西都是共老大党的支持者送给他们的。 But hang on. Why is the Republican Party also called the Grand Old Party? 不过,等一下,为什么叫“老大党”? The party’s nickname originally stood for Gallant Old Party. 其实这个党的昵称原本是“宏伟、悠久的党”。 According to one story, it was shortened to G.O.P. when the newspaper ran out of space in an article. 根据一则故事,有张报纸在空间不够的情况下把这个昵称缩写成G.O.P.了。 As the name suggests, the party has been around for a long time since 1854 in fact. 正如这个名称所说,这个政党已经很古老了,实际上可以追溯到1854年。 Not long after that the first Republican President was elected – Abraham Lincoln. 在那之后不久,美国拥有了第一位共和党总统——亚伯拉罕·林肯。 That’s why the Republican Party was known as the party of Lincoln. 这也就是为什么共和党又被称为林肯的政党。 Since Lincoln there have been 17 Republican Presidents. 在林肯之后,有17位总统出自共和党。 And this may sound a little crazy. Since 1928 no Republican has won without Richard Dixon or Bush attached to the ticket. 另外,这可能听起来有点疯狂。自打1928年以后,只有当选票上印着理查德·迪克森或布什的时候,共和党候选人才能当选。 Well they say an elephant never forgets. With 160 years under the party’s bell, there’s a lot to remember. 人们说一只大象从来不忘记事情。而在共和党160多年的历史里,的确发生了很多事。 After all, it’s been a long road since Abraham Lincoln to Donald Trump. And it isn’t over yet. 毕竟,从林肯到川普,这可是条很长的路啊。而且一切还没结束。 |