来自川普的书单推荐 竟有那么多关于中国的!
Few things are more satisfying than curling up with a good book. 很少有比蜷起来捧本书看更令人满足的了。 It seems Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is no stranger to this joy. 似乎共和党总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普对于读书的乐趣也不例外。 “I’m reading that Ed Klein book on Hillary Clinton," Trump said, presumably referring to Klein's latest book. "我最近在读埃德·克莱因写的关于希拉里·克林顿的书,”特朗普如是说,说的大概是克莱因的新书。 Trump has publicly recommended many books over the years, from books on China to books on how to succeed in business. 特朗普近些年已经公开推荐了很多书,从有关中国的书到如何在商业上取得成功的都有。 Here are several books from these lists that Donald Trump recommends. 以下是来自唐纳德·特朗普推荐的一些书。 1. 《孙子兵法》 2. 诺曼·文森特·皮尔《积极思考出奇效 》 3. 艾默生《散文与讲座》 4.马基雅维里《君主论》 5.爱因斯坦《想法和意见》 6.亨利·基辛格《论中国》 7.查建英《弄潮儿》 8.詹姆士·麦格雷戈《十亿消费者》 |