葡萄牙前总理古特雷斯 成下任联合国秘书长!
Mr Guterres, 67, will become the world’s top diplomat on 1 January when Ban Ki-moon’s second five-year term ends. 现年67岁的古特雷斯将于明年1月1日正式成为全球最高外交官,届时潘基文将结束自己的第二个五年任期,将联合国秘书长的职位交给古特雷斯。 The Portuguese, who led the UN refugee agency UNHCR for 10 years, was chosen from among 13 candidates last week. 古特雷斯主持联合国难民署事务长达10年,上周他在13名候选人中脱颖而出当选为下一任联合国秘书长。 He said he would fulfil his role with gratitude and humility. 古特雷斯表示,他将以感激和谦卑的态度来履行自己的职责。 Mr Guterres, who trained as an engineer, entered politics in 1976 in Portugal’s first democratic election after the "Carnation revolution" that ended five decades of dictatorship. 古特雷斯原本是一名工程师,上个世纪葡萄牙“康乃馨革命”结束国内50年独裁之后,古特雷斯在该国1976年第一次民主选举中步入政坛。 As head of the UNHCR refugee agency from 2005 to 2015, he led the agency through some of the world’s worst refugee crises, including those in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. 在2005年到2015年期间,古特雷斯在联合国难民署主持工作,他领导联合国难民署处理了全球最严峻的一些难民危机,包括那些发生在叙利亚、阿富汗和伊拉克的难民危机事件。 During that time, he repeatedly appealed to Western states to do more to help refugees fleeing the conflicts. 当时,古特雷斯多次呼吁西方国家采取更多的行动来帮助那些逃离战乱的难民。 Mr Guterres’ nomination came despite a concerted effort to appoint the UN’s first female secretary general. Of the 13 candidates, seven were women, among them Unesco director general Irina Bokova, from Bulgaria, and Helen Clark, 66, a former prime minister of New Zealand and current head of the UN development programme. 尽管之前各方一致认为下一任联合国秘书长应当是一名女性,但是古特雷斯最终还是当选了。在全部13名候选人中,有7人是女性,其中包括来自保加利亚的联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜`博科娃,以及现年66岁的新西兰前总理、联合国开发计划署现任主管海伦克拉克。 Mr Guterres told the assembly: "The dramatic problems of today’s complex world can only inspire a humble approach. One in which the secretary general alone neither has all the answers, nor seeks to impose his views. 古特雷斯对联大表示说:“当今复杂世界的巨大问题只能够激发一种谦卑的态度。仅靠联合国秘书长一人既无法得出所有的答案,也无法让自己的观点得到认同。” "One in which the secretary general makes his good offices available, working as a convenor, a mediator, a bridge-builder and an honest broker to help find the solutions that benefit everyone involved." “联合国秘书长应该进行斡旋,担任召集人、调解员、中间人的角色,成为一个诚实可靠的和事佬来帮助寻找惠及参与各方的解决方案。” Mr Ban told the assembly that his successor was well-known in diplomatic circles as a man of compassion. 潘基文对联大表示说,在外交界古特雷斯是一个众所周知富有同情心的人。 "He is perhaps best known where it counts most - on the frontlines of armed conflict and humanitarian suffering," Mr Ban said. 潘基文说道:“在武装冲突和人道主义苦难前线,古特雷斯也许是最为人所知的人物。” "His political instincts are those of the United Nations - co-operation for the common good and shared responsibility for people and the planet." “他的政治本能即是联合国的政治本能--为全人类与地球的共同福祉和共同责任而合作。” |