童年梦魇VS成年恐惧 这漫画把我看哭了……
You know you're an adult when you go to the doctor's office fearing not getting a shot or the doctor himself, but the bills. 你是成人你不拍,你知道去看医生并不会挨枪子,也不会给你个医生,你拿到的是账单而已。 If you can relate, you'll love these illustrations by Dave Mercier of MercWorks. Titled 'Childhood Fears vs. Adult Fears', the artist posted the illustrations to College Humor. Not only are they hilarious, but they're completely relatable too! 你要是可以联系,你会喜欢上这些MercWorks出品的插图;艺术大师Dave Mercier把插画发布到College Humor,取名为《孩提恐惧vs.成年恐惧》。这些画不单单幽默搞笑,也完全可以联系观众自身。 童年害怕:噩梦 成年惧怕:梦想未实现 童年害怕:医生 成年惧怕:医院的账单 童年害怕:陌生人 成年惧怕:社交恐惧 童年害怕:怪物 成年惧怕:小孩 童年害怕:理发 童年害怕:与人失散 成年惧怕:自己迷路 |