全球最佳城市:香港北京上海入选 猜猜排第几
London has triumphed in a new study of the world's greatest cities, leaving close competitors Paris and New York in the dust. 在一份关于世界最佳城市的新研究中,伦敦大获全胜,把“劲敌”巴黎和纽约都甩在了后面。 Rated on a variety of factors including its culture, entertainment, infrastructure, health and general happiness; the results were determined by 5,200 well-educated, high net-worth adults from 16 countries around the world. 此次评选考虑到了各种元素,包括文化、娱乐、基础设施、健康和大众幸福感等;来自全世界16个国家的5200位受过优质教育的高净值人士决定了此次评选结果。 The poll, published last week by consultancy firm PwC, was conducted in December 2015, before Britain's shock Brexit verdict. 咨询公司PwC于上周公布了评选结果,但投票是在2015年12月发起的,也就是英国做出举世震惊的脱欧决定之前。 PwC specifically questioned 'elite' over 18s, described as 'senior business decision makers or well-educated, high-income consumers who typically stay up to date with world events'. PwC特别询问了18岁以上的“精英”,也说是那些“高级别商务决策者或者受过优质教育的高收入消费者,他们的典型特征是能与世界大事保持同步”。 London was lauded in the report as being a 'dynamic city' with a well-developed infrastructure, legal system and health service, compared to others. 在研究报告中,伦敦被盛赞为一个“活力之城”,与其它城市相比,伦敦拥有成熟完善的基础设施、法律体系和医疗卫生服务。 Paris was the runner up, scoring top with regards to cultural influence, including attractions and cultural trendsetting, and was in the top-three-ranked cities in terms of entertainment and cuisine. New York, which came third, was viewed overall as the 'leader' for its economic influence. 巴黎紧随其后,但在文化影响(包括文化吸引力和文化风尚)方面得分最高,在娱乐和美食上也名列前三位。纽约是第三名,大家普遍认为它是经济影响方面的“龙头老大”。 BEST PERCEIVED CITIES 最被看好的城市 1. London伦敦 BEST QUANTIFIABLE CITIES 得分最高的城市 1. London伦敦 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |