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现实比电视剧精彩!距离11月8日美国大选全民投票没剩几天了,谁想到剧情还能再反转! 已经在电视辩论中占领上风的希拉里在最后关头竟遭痛击。美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面 美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI)局长科米28日突然宣布将重启对希拉里“电邮门”(email scandal)的调查。美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面FBI局长科米 

FBI Director James B. Comey’s announcement Friday that his agency was investigating newly found emails that might be related to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server sent shock waves through the presidential campaign in its final days.


 FBI针对希拉里用私人邮箱发工作邮件的电邮门一案在7月份就结案了,当时没有提起任何起诉(The Clinton email inquiry closed without charges in July)。 这次突然重启调查让希拉里阵营措手不及。希拉里公开表示: 

“It’s pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election. In fact, it’s not just strange. It’s unprecedented, and it’s deeply troubling.”



The FBI has obtained a warrant to begin reviewing newly discovered emails that may be relevant to the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, The Associated Press said on Sunday.


 这些邮件从哪里来的呢,竟然是在毫不相干的一起调查中发现的。 FBI原本是在调查纽约前国会议员安东尼·韦纳(Anthony Weiner)对未成年女性发色情信息一案。美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面 而韦纳的妻子正是希拉里的心腹,胡玛·阿伯丁(Huma Abedin)。FBI无意中从韦纳的电脑中发现了阿伯丁的邮件。美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面希拉里的女助手阿伯丁和丈夫韦纳 

FBI investigators want to review emails of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin that were found on a device seized during an unrelated sexting investigation of Anthony Weiner, a former New York congressman and Abedin's estranged husband.


 这剧情转折的是不是比《纸牌屋》还精彩。 不过上面这两个人和希拉里的关系到底是怎样的呢,听双语君(微信ID:chinadaily_mobile)给你们细细扒一扒。 希拉里背后的女人 吃瓜群众们,请抓稳你们手中的瓜,下面的内容有点劲爆!美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面 双语君(微信ID:chinadaily_mobile)要给你们扒一扒希拉里与她背后的女人胡玛·阿伯丁(Huma Abedin)和胡玛的“好老公”安东尼·韦纳(Athoney Weiner)之间不得不说的故事。 美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面阿伯丁被媒体称为希拉里的“闺蜜、心腹”(confidant)、“另一个女儿”(other daughter),是希拉里最信任的人。 据说希拉里见什么样的人,穿什么样的衣服,吃什么样的食物都是阿伯丁一手安排的,比尔·克林顿想找自己的老婆,当然也要先通过阿伯丁的安排。美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面希拉里的工作人员就透露过: 

If the air-conditioning is too cold, Huma is there with the shawl. She’s always thinking three steps ahead of Hillary.


 阿伯丁从实习期起,就陪在希拉里身边,风风雨雨一起度过20年,对于挑剔的希拉里而言,着实不易。 据《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)报道称, 

Few people know this, but Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton celebrated their professional anniversary in September: it’s been 20 years since the two first started working side-by-side.


美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面 来看一下阿伯丁在早期采访中讲述第一次见到希拉里的场景。 

That she walked by and she shook my hand and our eyes connected and I just remember having this moment where I thought, ‘Wow, this is amazing.’ … She would probably be so annoyed that I say this, but I remember thinking, ‘Oh my god, she’s so beautiful and she’s so little!’


 坊间一直有传闻,说两人之间有着不可描述的微妙情感,大家听听就好。美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面Morning News USA:这(新泄露的邮件)是不是希拉里与阿伯丁之间同性恋情的证明? 美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面独家消息:希拉里同性恋情在秘密邮件中泄露 美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面当然,二人是情比金坚的“爱情”也好,还是并肩战斗积累的深厚友谊也好,现在都没有明确正式的消息,但是阿伯丁对于希拉里的重要性却不言而喻。 《财富》(Fortune)早在2015年就写文章分析阿伯丁的“晋升之路”。 美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面阿伯丁是怎么成为希拉里闺蜜和“旨意传达者”的。 文中写到: 

Abedin is the high-fashion figure glued to Clinton’s side—passing notes, whispering in her ear, working her cell phone. 


美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面 同为希拉里身边工作人员的Mandy Grunwald表示, 

I’m not sure Hillary could walk out the door without Huma. 


 这次“邮件门”调查重启,使阿伯丁处于风口浪尖上。而希拉里将涉及国家机密的邮件让助手处理,也无疑是让人们诟病的一点。美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面不过,抛开其他不谈,阿伯丁能成为希拉里的左膀右臂,可见她的工作能力见识头脑是很厉害的。 而且,颜值上来说,也是相当可以的。美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面 不过,这位精明能干的女子,却找了个果聊成性的老公——安东尼·韦纳(Anthony Weiner),也就是直接引发本次重启“邮件门”调查案的主角。 美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面双语君(微信ID:chinadaily_mobile)简单给大家梳理一下阿伯丁老公的光荣事迹。 第一次:玩丢国会议员职位 

In June 2011, a year into their marriage, Weiner became embroiled in a sexting scandal. Abedin was pregnant with their child, Jordan. Weiner resigned from Congress days later


美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面 第二次:玩丢纽约市长 

In 2013, a second sexting scandal erupted. Abedin stood with Weiner and worked on his campaign for New York City mayor. 


美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面当然,他没选上纽约市长。 《纽约邮报》作者Adam Weis捎带手讽刺了一下阿伯丁和希拉里: 

Huma comes from the Clinton school of forgiveness — power is more important than dignity.


 第三次:玩丢了老婆 In August 2016 another sexting scandal came to light. Abedin released a statement that the two will separate. 2016年8月,韦纳再次卷入色情短信丑闻。阿伯丁宣布和他分道扬镳。 美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面 事件三大主角盘点结束,故事发展真是充满惊喜。 回到事件开头,第三次韦纳色情短信案也算是“无心插柳柳成荫”,揪出了希拉里“邮件门”的新线索,也算是韦纳送给米国吃瓜群众的大选彩蛋吧。 精彩故事还在继续美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面祸不单行,让希拉里焦头烂额的还有一件事,就是维基解密。美国大选又劲爆反转!希拉里背后女人浮出水面维基解密已经连续几个星期,每天公布一批希拉里竞选团队主席约翰·波德斯塔(John Podesta)的邮件,到11月8日选举日前夕,将一共放出5万多封邮件。 其中不乏劲爆揭秘,我们看几条感受一下。 

❶ Hillary got multiple debate questions in advance



Liberal members of the media try to slant their questions to help the Democrat. The most prominent one was from Donna Brazile.



Here's what the record shows: On March 12, Brazile, then vice chair of the DNC and a CNN and ABC contributor, allegedly wrote an email with the subject line "From time to time I get the questions in advance."



❷ Hillary Clinton did deals with ISIS



WikiLeaks Confirms Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS. Hillary Clinton and her State Department were actively arming Islamic jihadists, which includes the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.



❸ Hillary’s staff admits that she hates everyday Americans



During the Democratic debates, Hillary Clinton rather famously said that she considered “Republicans” to be her enemies.



“You could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.



❹ Hillary’s team believes that the Iran Deal will lead to a nuclear war



This is particularly relevant because although Hillary Clinton was out of office when the Iran deal was signed, she backed it and has defended it publicly. Meanwhile, in private her own team admits it will lead to a NUCLEAR WAR.



❺ Clinton using fake polling data To trick Trump 



WikiLeaks have confirmed what many suspected all along – the Clinton campaign use bogus polling figures to convince their opponents they are losing badly, discouraging them from campaigning and voting in large numbers.



❻ Hillary was paid off by the king Of Morocco



Hillary Clinton was credibly accused of taking a bribe during her cattle futures scandal and there have been numerous allegations that money was paid to Bill Clinton.



"This was HRC’s idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request. The King has personally committed approx. $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting.”



❼ Obama knew about Hillary's private server



President Barack Obama was fully aware of Hillary Clinton's private email system even while he was claiming in a news interview he learned about it from watching the news.



❽ Team Hillary discussed ways to refute Juanita Broaddrick’s rape claim



I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73....it never goes away.


 预计还会有更劲爆的内容出来。 现在,最新民调显示希拉里仅领先特朗普1个百分点。而一周前,希拉里还大幅领先特朗普12个百分点。 

Clinton now leads Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump by just a single percentage point, 46-to-45 percent, according to the ABC/Washington Post tracking poll conducted from Tuesday to Friday.


