1.When you put money in the bank, you write the date and the amount deposited on a deposit slip. 1.当你到银行存款时,你要在存款凭条上写明日期和所存的金额。 2.When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market. 2.当你花钱时,你是在市场上购买东西。你可以在商店、超级市场、气站和餐馆花钱,你还是在市场上购买东西。当本地的杂货店雇你开送货车,他是在劳动力市场上购买你的劳动。 3.The market may seem to be a fuzzy sort of thing. But for each person(or business)who is making and selling something, it's very real. The market is telling you something. 3.市场似乎是一种含糊不清的东西,但是,对一个正在生产商品的人(或一家企业),它是实实在在的。 4.It's telling you that you are using your energies and resources in doing something the market doesn't want you to do. 4.市场在告诉你一些道理,他在对你说,你做事所花的精力和使用的资源是市场上所不需要的。 5.The banks are commercial enterprises and like many other businesses are organized as companies which are owned by shareholders. 5.银行是商业企业,它的组织结构和其它企业一样,是由股东共同拥有的公司型组织。 |