An 18th century statue was knocked down and smashed by a tourist who walked backwards to take a selfie with it. 一座18世纪的雕像被一名拿着自拍杆后退着自拍的游客撞倒打碎了。 The incident took place at the National Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon. 这个事故发生于里斯本国立古艺术博物馆。 The Brazilian tourist tried to take a selfie but staggered backwards into the sculpture of Saint Michael that was on a pedestal in one of the chambers of the museum. 这名巴西游客试图自拍却踉踉跄跄地后退着撞上了圣米歇尔雕像,该雕像被安置在博物馆一个展室的台座上。 It fell to the floor and shattered into several pieces. 然后,雕像就摔到了地板上,碎成了几块。 Nuno Miguel Rodrigues, who was in the chamber when the incident happened, took a picture of the smashed statue and posted it on Facebook. 事故发生的时候,努诺·米格尔·罗德古斯就在这个展室里,他把破碎的雕像拍了下来,发到了脸书上。 He said: 'It's the price to be paid for free entrances on the first Sunday of every month.' 他说:“这就是每月第一个星期日免票入馆要付出的代价。” Jose Alberto Seabra Carvalho, a deputy director of the National Museum of Ancient Art told local media: 'I've been working in the museum for many years and cannot recall anything similar happening.' 国立古艺术博物馆副馆长约瑟·阿尔贝托·塞阿布拉·卡瓦略告诉当地媒体:“我在这个博物馆工作多年,不记得发生过类似的事情。” According to experts the damage done to the statue is irreversible. 据专家表示,这座雕像的损坏是不可挽回的。 In September, museum director Antonio Filipe Pimentel, warned the authorities the institution was under staffed. 9月,博物馆馆长安东尼奥·菲利普·皮门特尔提醒过当局,博物馆人手不足。 He said: 'There are only 64 people for 84 chambers open to public. I am very sure one day we will see hazards in the museum. It will happen because we're playing with our heritage.' 他说:“在对公众开放的84个展示里只有64个工作人员。我非常确定总有一天博物馆里会发生意外。因为我们轻率地对待自己的遗产,所有一定会发生意外。” The case is currently being investigated and the name of the man who knocked down the statue has not been made public. 目前案件正在调查中,还未公布撞倒雕像的那名男子的姓名。 |