北极熊也想养宠物?!蹲坐岸边爱抚萌犬 暖心
This is the adorable - and extraordinary - moment a wild polar bear pets a chained-up sled dog in the Canadian wilds. 非常温馨惊奇的一幕:加拿大一只野生北极熊轻轻拍打雪橇犬。 Polar bears weigh 330-990lbs and can easily kill a dog. But this footage, shot by David De Meulles of Manitoba, shows the bear gently stroking the placid animal on the head. 北极熊重达330-339磅,能轻而易举的杀死一只狗。但是大卫•德•穆勒斯在马尼托巴湖边拍摄的这个画面里,北极熊伸出了自己的爪子温柔地抚摸着雪橇犬的头。 'I had no idea what was going to happen, and then sure enough he started petting that dog, acted like he was a friend,' De Meulles told CBC. I just so happened to catch a video of a lifetime.' 德•穆勒斯告诉CBC记者:“我不知道发生了什么,但然后它就开始(用熊掌)抚摸那只狗,就像是一个朋友一样。我只是恰好捕捉到了这样一个难得一见的画面。” De Meulles was taking tourists to see polar bears when they came across the dogs, chained up on the property of local man Brian Ladoon. 德•穆勒斯当时正好带着游客来观赏熊,恰好碰到了这只由当地人布莱恩•拉顿饲养的雪橇犬。 Ladoon breeds the rare sled dogs, which are impervious to the cold - and clearly fearless too. 拉顿饲养的这种品种罕见、不惧严寒的雪橇犬,显然胆子也很大。 At first, the bear towers over the chained animal, which placidly lies at its feet. 起初,被拴住的雪橇犬安静的躺在北极熊的脚边。 But then the beast reaches out tenderly with its right paw and gently brings it down over the dog's head. 然后北极熊伸出右爪温柔地,轻轻的放在狗狗的头上。 It sniffs the dog, which has barely reacted, and pets it again, more confidently this time. Then it switches to its left paw and begins rubbing the dog's head. 这只狗狗没有反应,北极熊再一次更大胆地轻轻拍打它。然后用左爪轻轻抚摸雪橇犬的头。 At this point the pooch, apparently slightly irritated by its wild companion, stands up and begins to walk off. 这一次,狗狗可能对这只凶猛的北极熊的行为有点恼怒,它站起来准备离开。 'I've known the bears to have somewhat friendly behaviour with the dogs, but for a bear to pet like a human would pet a dog is just mind-blowing,' De Meulles said. 德•穆勒斯说:“我以前也了解熊有时会对狗表现出一些友好行为,但一头大熊, 像人类喜欢宠物一样对待狗狗, 还真是令人耳目一新”。 'It was a beautiful sight to see, and I just can't believe an animal that big would show that kind of heart toward another animal.' “这种场景非常美妙,我不相信像那种庞然大物会对其它动物做出这么有爱的行为。” Ladoon told CBC that the dogs, which are bred for the cold, see the chilly area as a 'paradise' and are rarely troubled by predators, save the occasional attack by wolves. 拉登告诉CBC记者,冰天雪地对于这种能抵御寒冷的狗狗简直是“天堂”。除了偶尔狼的攻击,它们很少受到其它食肉动物的伤害。