I hate to break it to you, but your bath towel is dirty – really dirty. 我并不想和你讲,但你的浴巾真的脏了。 The moment you use it, it becomes a breeding ground of bacteria; fungi; dead skincells; salivary, anal and urinary secretions; and many other germs lingering in your bathroom that may have hopped onto your towel – including droplets fromyour toilet. 你用毛巾的那一刻,毛巾就成了细菌的温床,有死皮细胞、唾液和尿液分泌物,还有其它细菌在你的卫生间挥之不去,或许就一跃而上到了你的毛巾上,包括你马桶上的点点滴滴亦如此。 While most of these microbes aren't likely to harm you, given that most of them probably came from your own body, they're there, and they're multiplying quickly. 尽管多数微生物并不会危害你,因为多数来自你的身体。微生物就在那儿,飞速成倍增长。 When you wick moisture from your body, the microbes and other secretions such as cellular debris that live on the surface of your body get deposited onto your towel. 身体水分蒸发时,身体表面的细胞碎屑和空气里的沉淀物等微生物和其它分泌物会沉积到毛巾上。 It's hard to say whether the microbes growing on your towel are harmful, since most germs in our households aren't dangerous. 很难说生长在你毛巾上的微生物是否有害,毕竟家里多数细菌并不危险。 美国环境健康教授KellyA.Reynolds说:“浴巾用完,每次都晾晒的话,可以重复使用3次。” 勤快清洗的话,一条浴巾你可以用上10年! 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |