1. Caught 发现 It wasn’t clear how or when the helpless fox was injured, but he was unable to move much as the hungry lioness approached him. It looked like it was game over… 不太清楚这只无助的小狐狸是何时以及如何受伤的,当饥肠辘辘的母狮靠近它时,它几乎不能行走。这场弱肉强食的游戏似乎大局已定…… 2. Famil 狮子一家 Other family members came along and took a keen interest in the fox, probably wondering how much meat it had on its bones… 其它家庭成员也随之走过来,并对小狐狸产生了极大的兴趣,可能想知道它骨头上有多少肉…… 3.Curious Cubs 好奇的幼崽 Mom and dad were with their three young cubs at a local watering hole when they came across the fox. Naturally, the cubs were very curious about the fox, and crowded around to see what was going on. 当它们碰见小狐狸的时候,爸爸妈妈和它们的三只小幼崽在一个当地水坑里。自然,小幼崽们对狐狸非常感兴趣,围在一起看看将会发生什么。 4. Motherly Instinct 母性本能 While the cubs assumed it was dinnertime, the mother sat protectively around the injured fox, as her motherly instinct kicked-in. 尽管幼狮们认为晚餐时间到了,但是出于母性本能,母狮子坐在受伤的小狐狸旁边保护着它。 5. Intrigued 好奇 The poor fox had some kind of painful back injury, and was squealing in pain, as the lions approached to smell their prey. 狮子凑近嗅着猎物,可怜的小狐狸因背部受伤疼痛难忍不断发出哀嚎声。 6. Siesta Time 休憩 " class="hjdict" word="6. Siesta Time 休憩 " target=_blank>6. Siesta Time 休憩 As the evening drew on, the lions family and the injured fox took a nap together, and nobody was eating the fox. 随着夜幕降临,狮子一家和受伤的小狐狸一起打起了盹,没有任何狮子吃小狐狸。 7. Losing Interest 失去兴趣 The daddy lion decided that the fox wasn’t worth hanging around for, and soon lost interest, leaving the fox to the mother and the cubs. 雄狮觉得不值得为小狐狸再浪费时间,很快就失去了兴趣,离开小狐狸径直走向母狮和幼崽们。 8. Typical Male 典型男性 The male lion walked off for a while, but seemed intrigued by why the mother lion was still protecting the fox. He went over to investigate further. 雄狮走开后一会儿,似乎对母狮一直保护小狐狸很纳闷。它走过来想一探究竟。 9. Over-Protective 过度保护 The male lion roared a bit at the fox, and as he did so, the mother swiped at him with her paw, as if warning him off from harming her new ‘cub.’ 雄狮对着小狐狸不断咆哮,就在这时,母狮子用爪子扑向它,似乎警告它不要伤害它的新“幼崽”。 10. Rebuked 指责 As you can see from this picture, the man lion got some serious rebuke from the mother lion, as she fiercely protected the fox. 我们从照片中可以看出,由于母狮强烈的保护着小狐狸,雄狮似乎受到了严厉的指责。 11. Bliss Ruined 幸福破灭 Just a few minutes later, and Dyer could hear the sounds of the hungry lion family eating something. They appeared to be fighting over food in the distance. 几分钟后,Dyer(摄影师)听见饥饿的狮子一家吃东西的声音。它们似乎在远处争夺食物。 12. Other Lions 其它狮子 When Dyer got closer to investigate, the fox was still safe and well. 当Dyer走近观察的时候,小狐狸安然无恙。 13. Full Recovery 完全恢复 Amazingly, the fox seemed to make a remarkable recovery from his injuries. As Dyer wrote on social media, “Although at first it appeared to have a broken back or pelvis, it eventually was able to stand up unsteadily on its back legs” 令人惊讶的是,小狐狸的伤势明显恢复。正如Dyer在他的社交网站上写的:“尽管一开始它可能背部或骨盆受伤,但是最终它能用不稳健的后脚站起来。” 15. Still Alive 存活 According to Dyer, the fox is still alive some days later, and was spotted recuperating in a patch of grass. 据Dyer称,小狐狸几天后还活着,在一片草地上被捕捉到它健康的画面。 |