Are you guilty of dwelling on a problem much longer than you should? Many people get caught up in overthinking problems from time to time, but some people make a habit of it. This habit can affect grades and academic performance, because students can get so caught up in thinking mode that they never get to good solution. 你有没有用过多的时间来思考一个问题?很多人都会时不时地在一些问题上过度思考,但有一些人会把它当做一个习惯。这个习惯会影响你的分数和学习,因为学生们会陷入一个思考模式,即他们找不到一个好的解决方案。 Some people who overthink tend to get stuck in analysis mode, by over-analyzing every nook and cranny of a situation repeatedly, and in a circular pattern (around and back again to the first). 一些过度思考的人会一次次过度分析情形的每一处,从而陷入分析模式中,这种模式呈环形(绕一圈又回到出发点)。 That situation - the state when a thinker is “stuck” in analysis - is sometimes called analysis paralysis. It's also one form of procrastination. 当思考者在分析中无法自拔时,这种情形或状态有时也被称为分析瘫痪。它也是拖延症的一种形式。 It’s not difficult to imagine why this could be unhelpful or even harmful for academic work. 想象一下,为什么这样会对学业无帮助甚至有危害,其实并不难。 Students who encounter certain kinds of test questions are in danger of analysis paralysis: 碰到各种类型问题的学生就有陷入分析瘫痪的危险: •Complex essay questions can cause students to get stuck thinking about single aspect of the question and ignore others. 复杂的问答题会使学生只执着于思考问题的一个方面,从而忽略其他问题。 •Students will be at a loss when trying to decide how to start writing an answer to essay questions because there are so many options. This can be a time waster. 当要决定怎么回答问答题时,学生们会由于选择太多不知所措。这样就会浪费时间。 •Long multiple choice questions can also cause analysis paralysis. Students may try to read too much into the question and spin themselves into total confusion. 篇幅长的多项选择题也会导致分析瘫痪。学生们会过度解读问题,从而使自己陷入迷惑而无法自拔。 •Students can also overthink their choices in a multiple choice situation and read more into each choice than they should. 学生们也会在多项选择上过度思考,在每项选择上解读出更多的内容。 If the situations above sound familiar, you are like many other students. You are also wise to recognize that this is a potential problem for you. 如果上述的情形听起来很熟悉,你就有和许多学生一样的情况了。承认这是一个隐患也是明智的。 If you know it, then you can address it! 如果你发现了问题,就可以动手解决它了! Overcoming Overthinking 克服过度思考 Overthinking during a test can really hurt! The big risk you face is failing to complete the test because you think too much and can’t make a decision. Go into the test with a time management plan. As soon as you get the test, do a quick assessment to determine how much time you should spend on each section. 在考试的时候过度思考真是一件要命的事!你面临的最大的风险就是无法完成考试,因为你想的太多了,做不了决定。你要一进入考试就做好时间管理工作,快速地估计一下,每个部分你应该花多长时间。 The open-ended essay answers are the most time consuming. 开放式的问答题最耗费时间 If you tend to be an overthinker, you will have to manage your urge to dwell on the many possibilities when trying to answer an open-ended test question. To do this, you must give yourself time to brainstorm – but also give yourself a time limit. Once you reach the predetermined time limit, you must stop thinking and go into action. 如果你有过度思考的趋势,就得在回答开放式测试题时,对自己执着于多种可能性时进行管理。为了成功,你必须给自己来个头脑风暴,但也要给自己限定时间。一旦你即将超出时间限制,就必须停止思考,开始行动。 If you’re facing a multiple choice, resist the tendency to read too much into the questions and answers. Read the question once, then (without looking at your options) think of a good answer. Then see if this matches one that’s listed. If it does, select it and move on! 如果你面临的是多项选择,就得避免在题目和答案上想得过多的趋势。先赌一次题目,然后(不要看你的选项)想出好的答案。接着看看答案与列出的是否相匹配。如果是,就做出选择然后看下一题! Thinking Too Much about Assignments 对于任务思考过度 Creative students can also think too much when it comes to getting started on a research paper or big project, because there are so many possibilities. A creative mind loves to explore possibilities. 当要开始着手研究论文或一项大工程时,有创造性的学生们也可能会过度思考,因为可能性太多了。创造性的思维喜欢探索各种可能性。 Although it probably goes against your grain, you will have to force yourself to be methodical when selecting a topic. You can be creative and imaginative for the first day or two to come up with a list of possible topics – then stop. Pick one and go with it. 虽然很可能与你的大脑相抵触,但你还是不得不强迫你自己系统地选择出一个主题。你在前一两天会充满创造性和想象力,来列出一系列可能的主题,然后停止。选择一个然后与之相匹配。 Creative projects like fiction writing and art projects can be downright paralyzing, as well. There are so many directions you could go! How can you possibly start? What if you make the wrong choice? 创造性的工程,例如小说创作和艺术项目也会完全麻痹。你可以选择的方向有许多!那么你该怎么开始呢?如果选错了又该怎么办呢? The truth is that you will continue to create as you go. The final creative project rarely ends up exactly as you intended at first. Just relax, get started, and create as you go. It’s OK! 真相是你会继续进行创作。最后一项创造性工程会如同你一开始打算的那样结束。你只需要休息一下,然后继续开始创作就好啦! Students can also fall into analysis paralysis when starting to write a school report. The best way to conquer this type of roadblock is to start writing in the middle – don’t try to start at the beginning. You can go back and write the introduction and rearrange your paragraphs as you edit. 学生们在开始着手学务报告时也会陷入分析瘫痪。克服它最好的办法就是从中间开始写——不要从头开始。你可以回顾前面内容,写下前言,然后根据你的编辑内容重新安排段落。 |