川普招牌式7大表情 竟是赢了选举的关键?!
A great deal of Donald Trump's political success can be put down to his body language and the unusual ways he uses his face. The first thing we notice about Trump's facial expressions is the sheer variety. The second is their dramatic, often over-stated character. This was evident before and during the presidential election. But what are Trump's signature facial expressions? 特朗普的政治成功很大程度上可以归功于其肢体语言和与众不同的面部表情。首先,我们发现他的面部表情非常丰富。其次,这些面部表情都很做作夸张。这一点在大选前和大选期间都非常明显。但是特朗普最有特色的面部表情是什么? 1. Alpha face 阿尔法表情 He did this by adopting an "alpha face" of lowered brows, narrowed eyes and a firmly set mouth. This expression is the antithesis of submissiveness. 他压低眉毛、眯起眼睛、嘴角僵硬,用盛气凌人的“阿尔法表情”压制了希拉里。 2. Angry face 愤怒的表情 When he's incensed, he pulls out all the stops and produces a larger-than-life spectacle of fury - eyes narrowed, brows tightly knitted together, mouth open and jaw tense. 当他被激怒时,他会眯眼皱眉、大张嘴巴、绷紧下巴,使尽浑身解数做出极其夸张的愤怒表情。 3. Chin-jut 下颌微抬 One of the ways that Trump tries to look like a tough politician is by jutting out his chin. The chin-jut relies on the fact that men with bigger chins have higher levels of testosterone and, partly for this reason, are more likely to reach positions of power. 特朗普试图让自己看起来像一位强势政治家的方法之一是微抬下巴。这是因为下颌大的男性睾丸素含量更高,在一定程度上,这样的男人更有可能获得权力。 4. Big smile 灿烂的笑容 Although Trump instinctively recognises the demeaning potential of smiling, there are occasions when he is prepared to throw caution to the wind and give a full-blown smile, with his teeth on display and wrinkles around the corners of the eyes. 虽然特朗普本能地认为微笑似乎有失身份,但是他也会在一些场合放松警惕,展开笑容,亮出牙齿,笑到眼角露出皱纹。 5. Zipped smile 抿嘴微笑 This is the smile that Trump defaults to when he is in the public eye: the mouth is closed and the teeth remain hidden. That's because the risorius muscles, which pull the corners of the mouth sideways, are much more active in this case than the zygomatic major muscles, which pull the corners of the mouth upwards and are otherwise involved in a full-blown smile. 嘴巴紧闭、笑不露齿是特朗普在公众面前常见的微笑。这是因为抿嘴笑时,向两侧拉伸嘴角的笑肌比向上拉伸嘴角让笑容绽放的颧大肌更活跃。 6. Puckered chin 缩下颌 The presence of this additional facial expression is quite significant because people often pull their chins in when they feel threatened - it's a way of tensing the chin in anticipation of being symbolically punched in the face. 这一附加的面部表情的意义很重要,人经常会在感受到威胁时缩下巴——这是预计自己会被“打脸”时绷紧下巴的一种方式。 7. Exaggerated mouth 夸张的嘴型 You can't help notice the way Trump protrudes and contorts his mouth. In fact, his lips appear to have an almost prehensile quality, as if they were an extra pair of hands, reaching out from his face to manipulate the world around him. 你会忍不住注意特朗普撅嘴和咧嘴的样子。事实上,他的嘴唇似乎可以缠绕起来,就像是脸上长出的两只手,操纵着周围的世界。 |