当这些著名景点被白雪覆盖 别一番风情!
As winter sprinkles its white dust over large swathes of the world, locals hunker down while tourists tend to flee in search of warmer regions. 当冬天将白色的粉尘撒向广袤的大地,当地人都窝在了家里,而旅行者们却逃离寒冬奔向更温暖的地区。 For some popular landmarks, this means a welcome break from the heaving crowds. 对一些热门的地标景观来说,这意味着送走拥挤的人群,迎来短暂的休憩。 Rome's legendary Colosseum takes on a very different quality when its not baking under the sun, but rather peeking out from behind a snowy ridge. 罗马富传奇色彩的角斗场不再沐浴于阳光之中,而是从白雪皑皑的山峦后露出一角,整个画风都变了。 |