小编导读:又是一年一度三八国际妇女节,关于节日背后的女性权益你知多少? 1. Women perform 66% of the world’s work and produce 50% of the food. They earn just 10% of incomes and own 1% of the property globally. 1.女性完成世上66%的活儿,产出55%的食物;其收入只占全球10%,资产只占1%。 2. And out of 197 countries, only 22 of them have women currently serving as heads of state — just 11.2%. 2.197个国家里,仅22个国家目前是女性当国家元首,占比仅11.2%。 3. Women outpace men in educational achievement, with 58% of college graduates. While two-thirds of women graduate in the humanities and the arts, men continue to dominate in science with 60% of graduates. 3.女性学业成就比男性高,占大学毕业生的58%的比例。而三分之二的女性毕业于人文与艺术学科,多数男性继续主导科学领域,占毕业生60%的比例。 4. More girls than boys now complete their secondary education in 32 out of 34 OECD countries, accounting for around 60% of the total. 4.34个经合组织国家中,有32个国家完成中学教育的女生比男生要多,比例约莫占全体国家的六成。 5. In business, the gender gap remains wide. In the United States, for example, only 21 of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are women. 5.商界性别鸿沟依旧很大。以美国为例,世界五百强公司里仅有21名女性首席执行官。 6. Men are promoted based on their potential, while women are promoted based on past accomplishments. 6.男性因潜力而晋升,而女性因过往成就而晋升。 7. Research studies confirm a direct correlation between the gender gap in economic opportunities and economic growth. 7. 经研究确认,经济机遇的性别差异与经济增长有直接联系。 8. By contrast, the smaller the nation’s gender gap, the higher its economic productivity. 8.对比之下,一个国家性别差异越小,经济生产率越高。 9. In nearly every country, women work longer hours than men and are paid less. 9.几乎每个国家,女性较之男性工作时间更长、报酬更少。 10. Women in poor countries do more unpaid work, work longer hours in the informal economy and face degrading working conditions. 10.贫穷国家非正式经济体中,有更多女性工作而无报酬、面对每况愈下的工作环境。 |