"A Day Without a Woman" unfolded across the USA on Wednesday with strikes and rallies as organizers called on women to skip work and not spend money to demonstrate their economic strength and political clout. 周三,一项名为“世界上没有女人会怎样”的活动在全美展开,活动伴随着罢工和集会,其组织者号召女性翘班并停止消费,以显示其在经济和政治上的地位。 Women in more than 50 countries hosted similar events to coincide with the U.N.-designated International Women's Day, according to the Facebook. 据脸书报道,超过50个国家都举行了类似的活动来纷纷响应这种“美国式”的妇女节。 The lawmakers are criticizing efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood. They are also demanding equal justice under the law and that women receive pay that’s on par with what men receive for performing similar work. 立法者们指责那些排斥保健法案以及废除计划生育基金的种种行径。他们还要求男女在法律上平等,以及同工同酬。 According to the U.S. Census, women make up more than 47% of the workforce and are dominant among registered nurses, dental assistants, cashiers, accountants and pharmacists, the Associated Press notes. They make up at least a third of physicians and surgeons, and the same with lawyers and judges. Women also represent 55% of all college students. 美联社指出,根据美国人口普查的数据,女性员工在总劳动力中所占的比重已经超过47%,并且是护士,牙医助理,出纳员,会计,以及药剂师等行业的主力军。 While not mentioning the demonstrations, Trump took to Twitter and asked followers to join him in “honoring the critical role of women” in the U.S. and around the world. He tweeted that he has “tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.” 尽管特朗普在推特上就游行事件只字未提,但他却号召民众和他一起“重视女性在美国以及全世界的重要地位”。他曾在推特上表示其“对女性及其尊重,女性所充当的角色在美国社会和经济结构中都十分重要”。 The U.N. secretary general said the effective way to protect the rights of women is by prioritizing female empowerment. Antonio Guterres, speaking in Nairobi where he is on an official visit, said priority should be given for the “full presence of women” in government institutions, political systems and business, among other aspects of society. 联合国秘书长曾说,保护女性权益最有效的途径就是将她们的权益放在首位,安东尼奥·古特雷斯在出访内罗毕时也强调,应当在政府制度,政治体系,商业及社会各领域“全方位地”给予妇女优先权。 (翻译:进击的Meredith) |