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Here’s something Harvard students might “like.” Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and iconic dropout of the storied university, is returning to offer words of wisdom to this year’s graduating class.


Zuckerberg, who famously left Harvard to pursue building the social networking platform that now boasts nearly 2 billion users worldwide, will be the featured speaker during the school’s 366th commencement ceremony, on May 25.


“Few individuals can rival Mark Zuckerberg in his drive to change our world through the innovative use of technology, as well as his commitment to advance science, enhance education, and expand opportunity through the pursuit of philanthropy,” Harvard president Drew Faust said in a statement Tuesday. “I greatly look forward to welcoming Mark back to Harvard on Commencement Day.”

“马克·扎克伯格一直致力于通过技术的革新改变我们的世界,他还投身于尖端科学的研究、教育的优化,并通过慈善事业扩大人们的各种机会,在这些领域,他都鲜有媲美者。”哈佛校长德鲁·福斯特在周二的演讲中说,“我诚挚欢迎马克在毕业典礼之际回归哈佛校园 ,对此我十分期待。”

Harvard released a hammy video featuring Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, another Harvard dropout who started a tech revolution, talking about Zuckerberg’s invitation.


“They know we didn’t actually graduate, right?” Zuckerberg asks Gates, who spoke at commencement in 2007.


On Tuesday, Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook timeline that he was, “Finally heading back to school.”


At the young age of 32, the entrepreneur-philanthropist is the sixth-richest person in the world, with a net worth of $44.6 billion, according to Forbes magazine last year. Zuckerberg has been named one of Vanity Fair’s “top 100 most influential people of the Information Age” and one of Forbes’ 10 most powerful people in the world.


