If Hitler was so bad, why didn't people around him just kill him? 希特勒那么坏,为什么他身边的人不杀了他? 获得500.2k的回答@Duy Truong: Because Hitler wasn’t so bad to them. 因为希特勒对他们挺好的。 Put yourself in the shoes of an average German for a moment. 设想一下如果你自己是一个普通的德国民众。 Your country lost World War I and was put at the mercy of the victors. No mercy was given. You now had to pay reparations and your military was severely restricted. 你的国家在一战中战败,任由胜利者摆布,而他们对你毫不留情。你们现在要赔款,军备力量严重受限。 Worst of all, they pinned it all on you. Germany was forced to accept the sole responsibility of war, without having been given any say in the matter.[2] 最糟糕的是,他们认为都是你的错。德国在没有任何解释权的情况下,不得不被迫接受战争的全部责任。 Your pride in your nation was shattered. You felt humiliated on the international stage. 你的国家自豪感被击碎。在国际舞台上感到屈辱。 Then came the Great Depression. Your life just got so much more miserable. You couldn’t feed your family. Everyone around you was suffering. The government tried to make things better. They failed each and every time. Life continued to get worse. 然后经济打萧条来了。你们的生活满是灾难。没办法养活家人。身边所有人都在受煎熬。政府想改变现状。但是他们一次又一次失败。生活越来越糟糕。 Then came a guy. 然后出现了一个人。 He promised to restore the German army back to its former glory. He did just that. 他承诺重建德国军队,让它恢复往昔荣光。并且他做到了。 He promised to take back the land that was lost in the war. He did just that. 他承诺夺回战争中失去的土地。并且他做到了。 He promised to abolish the shameful Treaty of Versailles. He did just that. 他承诺废止耻辱的凡尔赛条约。并且他做到了。 He promised to create more jobs and help you put food on your table. He did just that. 他承诺提供更多工作岗位帮你养活家庭。并且他做到了。 Most important of all, he gave you a sense of national identity. You can be proud of your country again. 最重要的是,他给了你国家认同感。你可以再次以你的国家为荣。 So it’s only natural that you loved him. Not to mention, you attended one of his massive rallies and were swept by his powerful, emotional speeches. 所以你是出于本能地爱戴他。更不必说,你参加过一次他盛大的机会,被他有力的,富于感情的演讲所感染。 Everyone you know loved him. Your friends, your neighbours, your boss. 你认识的所有人都爱戴他——你的朋友、邻居、老板们。 He made Germany great again. Why do you want to even attempt to assassinate the man? 他让德国再次强大。你怎么会想刺杀这样一个人呢? 获得9.2k好评的回答@Krister Sundelin: There were over 40 assassination attempts at Hitler, of which the 20th July plot in 1944 came closest with a bomb exploding in the same room as Hitler. 希特勒一生一共遭到40次暗杀,其中1944年7月20号是最险的一次,炸弹在希特勒所在的房间爆炸了。 For a variety of reasons – the briefcase with the bomb moved behind the table leg of an oak table, only half of the planned explosives put in the briefcase – the plot failed and Hitler survived. 由于种种原因-装有炸弹的公文包被移到了橡木桌子桌腿后面,只有计划中一半的爆炸物被放进了公文包-所以谋杀失败,希特勒获救了。 In another attempt, a bomb behind his podium failed to kill Hitler because he ended his speech early and left the premise. 在另一次袭击中,一个放在他演讲台后面的炸弹没有能杀死他是因为希特勒提前结束了演讲,离开了那里。 Some of the plots were supported by Britain’s SOE. They eventually stopped when they realised what an awful military leader Hitler was. 有些密谋是英国人组织的。当他们发现希特勒是如此糟糕的军队领袖的时候,他们停止了行动。 They figured that if Germany had just about any leader at the helm but Hitler, Germany would be harder to defeat. In many ways, Hitler was the Allies’ best ally. So they let him be. 他们意识到假设德国有任何一个除了希特勒的其他人来领导的话,将很难被打败。从很多角度来说,希特勒是同盟国最好的帮手。所以他们就没有再去管他。 (翻译:Jessie) |