Fancy yourself as the president’s daughter? You might at least be able to look ... a bit ... like Ivanka Trump if you fork out big bucks and go under the knife — in China. 想变成总统的女儿?在中国,如果你愿意掏上一大笔钱再挨上几刀,或许可以变得和伊万卡有那么一点点相似之处。 A Chinese plastic surgery operation is promising to make the transformation now that it has a trademark Ivanka business name. 中国一家整形中心承诺可以让你变成伊万卡的样子,他们还把伊万卡的名字注册成了商标。 The Foshan Yiwanka Medical Management Company does it all: eye and nose surgery, liposuction and breast enlargement. But its specialty will be turning out more Ivankas. 佛山伊万卡医院管理有限公司的整形项目包括:眼部整形、鼻子整形、抽脂和隆胸。但这里的特色项目就是把你变得更像伊万卡。 “No doubt young women here want Ivanka’s big eyes, her pretty nose and lips and her flawless figure,” Li Yunxing, a spokesman for the company in southeast China told The Washington Post. 该公司发言人李运兴(音)接受华盛顿邮报采访时说:“中国的年轻女性想要拥有和伊万卡一样的大眼睛、美丽精致的鼻子和嘴唇,还有她那完美无瑕的身材。” Though the Chinese might be tough on Donald Trump, they’re soft on the first daughter. China’s English-language newspaper The Global Times has declared that Ivanka balances her dad’s “harsh posture.” 虽然中国人可能不太喜欢川普,不过大家还是很喜欢伊万卡的。中国的英语报纸《环球时报》称伊万卡缓解了川普的负面形象。 Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Marc Mani tells People magazine that Ivanka Trump has a face that appeals to some Chinese standards of beauty with her small chin, cheekbones that aren’t too pronounced, a heart-shaped face and large eyes. 比弗利山庄整形医生Marc Mani接受《人物》杂志采访时称,伊万卡的脸型比较符合中国人对美的定义:心形脸、小下巴、大眼睛、颧骨微凸。 It’s also appealing to Americans. A Houston plastic surgeon told USA Today that Ivanka Trump is the new “style icon” for nip-and-tuck makeovers. One woman went under the knife for six hours and forked over $30,000 to edge a bit closer to the Ivanka look. 美国人同样也无法抗拒这样的容貌。休斯顿的一位整形医生接受《今日美国》采访时称伊万卡已经成为整形界的“新风尚”了。有人花3万美元动6个小时的手术就为了能变得和伊万卡像一点。 “I was very much interested in the election, and that’s when I started thinking she was pretty,” said the patient, who particularly liked Ivanka’s nose, cheeks — and breasts. 这位患者特别喜欢伊万卡的鼻子、脸颊和胸部:“我对大选挺感兴趣的,也是在关注大选的时候发觉伊万卡很美。” The Chinese plastic surgery business was one of hordes of operations — from a wrinkle cream manufacturer to a coffee company — that filed 258 applications with China’s Trademark Office the last two months of 2016 with the name Ivanka, Ivanka Trump or something similar, the Post reported. 2016年底这两个月,中国商标局收到258份想要把“伊万卡”、“伊万卡·特朗普”或类似名字作为商标的申请,申请者从抗皱霜制造商到咖啡公司应有尽有,整形医院只是九牛一毛。 Ivanka Trump has nine trademarks in China of her own, with 26 applications pending that include clothing, skin care products and umbrellas. 伊万卡·特朗普本人在中国有9个商标,还有26个申请待审核,涉及领域包括服饰、护肤品、雨伞等。 The Chinese government recently provisionally approved 38 trademarks for President Trump, raising anew concerns about conflicts of interest for businessman Trump receiving benefits from China while he is in charge of foreign policy as president. 近日,中国政府临时审核批准了特朗普总统注册的38个商标,这一举动再次引起注意,特朗普作为一个商人会不会利用总统身份之便在中国牟利,这种利益冲突令人担忧。 (翻译:君儿) |