说起“背包客”一词,大家的印象都是行动派、正能量、勇敢等正面性词语。然而,近日,背包客却成了负面形象的代言人。 原因在于一些外国背包客在亚洲国家沿街“乞讨”。 还有些虽打着才艺表演的幌子,但赚得是“上路钱”。 上面两个的本质都一样——让别人为你的梦想买单!!他们买得起小提琴,却住不起房间;买得起跨国机票,却付不出饭钱! 不过这次,连外媒对他们的同胞都实在忍不了,开始批判他们无耻的行为——西方背包客在世界上最贫穷的国家沿路乞讨,只为求得路费,真是惊呆了! 《每日邮报》: 太阳报: 其实,中国媒体也多次报道此事。 当然,也有很多外国背包客是打工游的,边打工边赚路费。英语君身边就有很多外教,通过教语言,赚钱来游遍中国! 不过,到底是什么原因让他们那么喜欢来中国呢?有的甚至来了,都不想走了。 国外的知乎Quora上有回答: 为什么这么多外国人来中国,觉得中国这么好? Farzan Safavi 的回答(1)快速增长的经济 Fastest growing economy - The country was illiterate, poor and backward compared to the rest of the world up until a few decades ago, but that changed and it's changing so fast. It’s simply fascinating. 快速发展的经济——几十年前,中国和其他国家相比无疑是贫穷、落后的。但是,现在发生了变化,变得如此之快。这太让人吃惊了! Farzan还附上了14年上海的对比图↓ (现在的中国远不仅如此) (2)娱乐方式丰富 Entertainment - China offers the unlimitted amount of entertainment, leisure and numerous different activities for having fun. The nightclubs here are giants stadiums with IMAX 3D screen, they have things like escape rooms, unbelievable theme parks, outdoor natural parks and much more. 娱乐方式丰富——中国有太多的娱乐活动了,3D巨屏电影、密室逃脱、主题公园、夜店等等。 (南京1912酒吧街) Ruslan Popov的回答(1)先进的公共交通 Technologically, China is of course advanced in many ways. For example, electric transport has been very developed here for years. You can find electric bikes, personal transportation vehicles (like kick scooters or mono wheels), electric taxis and cars, even electric buses. 中国在很多技术方面都很先进。特别是电子交通方面。你可以找到电瓶车、电动汽车,甚至是电动公交车等等。 在中国的旅游,只有你想不到,没有你看不到! 我们有随处可骑行的ofo小黄车! 出门有覆盖全市的中英文对照版地铁↓ (上海地铁分布图) (2)快捷的支付方式 The Chinese messenger app (WeChat) is very advanced and makes it easy to make payments and much more; it’s a technology marvel. 微信这款app非常先进,付钱超级方便还有更多的功能!真是一个科技的奇迹! 在上海,英语君现在出门不带钱包,手机扫一扫,就能轻松支付! (3)治安好,安全 Safety——In most places you won't see any police. In some others they are present in security posts. They just do their job, i.e. sit there silently and behave reasonably, adding to the security and order. 安全——在很多地方你几乎看不到警察。有些时候,他们会出现在安检口,只是静静坐在那里,履行他们的工作,维护治安。 其实,关于治安好这个问题,Quora上也早有回答! Hover Ho用官方的数字告诉我们答案。 China has the 27th lowest murder rate in all 218 countries and regions. 中国,在全球218个国家和地区中,谋杀率排倒数27位。 Murder rate in US is 4.7, while the rate in China is 1.0. 美国的谋杀率是4.7而中国的谋杀率只有1.0。 Michael Friedman用他的亲身经历告诉了我们: I'll give you an example from the city I live in, Shenzhen. There are two giant parks I live near. I regularly go walking or “ninebotting” through those parks at 2AM or later. I wouldn’t try doing that in San Francisco or New York City. 我住在深圳,附近有两个大公园。我经常会凌晨两点或者更晚去那儿散步。但我从来不敢在旧金山、纽约这么做。 Last time I got scared in the park, it was 4AM and I heard a strange noise from behind the trees. I went around the corner to investigate and there was an elderly couple practicing Tai Chi. 上次,凌晨四点,我在公园里听到了一些奇怪的声音,我很害怕。跑过去一看,竟然是对老夫妻在那打太极。 中国如此强大,怪不得老外来了都不想走了... |