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Myth No. 1: We Have Set Learning Styles


You’ve probably heard about visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning. In a survey of more than 3,000 Americans, nearly 90% of respondents believe it’s better to receive information in your personal learning style.


But once you start thinking about the idea, it falls apart, says Ulrich Boser, author of Learn Better: Mastering the Skills for Success in Life, Business, and School, or How to Become an Expert In Just About Anything.


“It’s hard to learn soccer only by hearing it,” he says. “Like many myths, there is a bit of truth that lies behind it, but there’s no research to support learning styles. One major recent review stated simply that the authors found virtually no evidence for the approach.”


Myth No. 2: Rereading Material Is A Good Way To Learn


Before you go into an important meeting, you might refresh your memory by reviewing your notes or proposal, but this passive approach to learning won’t serve you well.


While more than 80% of respondents in Boser’s study believed that rereading is a highly effective approach to learning, research suggests that the approach is flawed, says Boser. What works better is an active form of learning.


Myth No. 3: Focus On One Subject At A Time


When it comes to learning a difficult subject, people often believe you should practice one thing at a time. If you’re learning to use a new suite of software, for example, practice one program one day and another the next.


Myth No. 4: Your First Answer Is Often The Right Answer


In school, many of us were taught that if you put an answer on a test you shouldn’t change it, but you’re actually better off reconsidering, says Boser.


“People are overly confident,” he says. “Go around a room asking who the hardest working person is, and most people will identify themselves in that group.


Also, if they’ve learned something from an article or TED talk, they think they know it. We actually need time to deliberate and reflect to understand something.”


Myth No. 5: The Number Of Hours You Put Into Something Translates To Better Understanding


Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours theory provided abenchmark for becoming an expert, but this doesn’t necessarily translate to learning, says Boser.


“Most of us drive every day, but most of us have not gotten better at driving,” he says. “Putting in a lot of hours doesn’t always mean you’ll become good at something.”


