The U.S. doesn’t even make the top 25 when it comes to mobile connection speeds. 提到移动互联网连接速度,美国甚至还排不上前25。 That's according to the latest State of the Internet report from Akamai, which showed the U.S. smack in the middle with average speeds of 10.7 megabits per second ranging from a high of 26 Mbps in the U.K. to 2.8 Mbps in Venezuela. 阿卡迈技术公司最新的互联网现状报告显示,美国的移动互联网平均连接速度为每秒10.7兆比特,从传输速度较高的英国(26兆比特/秒)到传输速度为2.8兆比特/秒的委内瑞拉,美国恰好排在中间的位置。 Germany had the highest peak mobile connection speed at 200 Mbps in the first quarter. 第一季度德国的移动连接速度峰值最高,为200兆比特/秒。 The global average connection speed was 7.2 Mbps (an increase of 15% year-over- year). 全球平均连接速度为7.2兆比特/秒(年度同期增长15%)。 The global average peak connection speed increased 28% year-over-year to 44.6 Mbps in the first quarter. 第一季度全球平均连接速度峰值年度同期增长28%,达44.6兆比特/秒。 Again, South Korea showed off the highest average connection speed globally at 28.6 Mbps in the first quarter. 第一季度韩国再一次炫耀了其全球最高的平均连接速度(28.6兆比特/秒)。 And Singapore had the highest peak connection speed at 184.5 Mbps in the first quarter. 第一季度新加坡的连接速度峰值最高,达184.5兆比特/秒。 (翻译:Dlacus) |