It Seems ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 8 Trailer Just Trolled Everyone 《行尸走肉》曝第八季预告,一切只是一场梦? “The Walking Dead” Season 8 trailer made people freak out with a bizarre scene that seems to hint at the worst theory ever: that everything is just Rick’s coma dream. 《行尸走肉》第八季发正式预告,前四分钟一切正常,而后面瑞克不同寻常的镜头却招致粉丝热议,这个镜头似乎暗示了什么,难道《行尸走肉》整个故事竟是瑞克的一场梦? You may have heard by now that some fans have suggested Rick Grimes never actually woke up in the hospital at the beginning of “The Walking Dead.” They think he’s still there in a coma and everything that happens is just part of his dream. 到现在为止,你可能已经听到有一些粉丝的猜测,他们猜测瑞克从《行尸走肉》一开始就未真正醒来。他一直处于昏迷状态,一切故事只是他的一场梦。 Despite creator Robert Kirkman shooting this theory down, in the Season 8 trailer we see a shot of an older-looking Rick Grimes waking up in a bed very similarly to how he supposedly woke up when the show began. 尽管本剧制作人罗伯特·柯克曼否定了上述猜测,但在第八季的片花中,我们看到年迈的瑞克从床上醒来,正如本剧在第一集时展开的那样。 And people could not handle it. 人们纷纷表示接受无能。 Absolutely love it. I had predicted Rick Grimes to wake up from his coma in the hospital. He had dreamt it all. 大爱这个设定。我之前就预言过瑞克会从昏迷中醒来,这一切都只是他的一场梦。 — Shelly Sturgell (@shelsturgell) ——网友Shelly Sturgell (@shelsturgell) Bruh, the trailer for The Walking Dead season 8, don’t tell me everything that happened was just a dream when Rick was in a coma 哥们儿,《行尸走肉》第八季的预告片不会是想告诉我这一切只是瑞克昏迷时的一场梦吧 — Miko Mikotto (@MikhaelDapat) ——网友Miko Mikotto (@MikhaelDapat) So is it all in his head? 那么,这一切都只是发生在他脑袋里的幻觉咯? Nah. The show just wants us to think so. 当然不是,这个短片只是在误导我们往那个方面想。 After Rick’s war with his nemesis Negan, there’s a time jump in the comics. That’s probably what we’re seeing here. 在瑞克和尼根的对决之后,漫画中出现了时间的跳跃,这个镜头可能是出现在时间切换后。 As a tip off, there’s also a shot of a cane before we see Rick in bed. Comicbook.com points out that Rick’s leg is broken during the conflict with Negan in the comics. A cane would probably come in handy for that. 在预告片中,在出现瑞克躺在病床上的镜头之前,闪过一段拐杖的镜头。 Comicbook网指出,漫画中瑞克在和尼根的打斗中伤到了腿。这根拐杖很可能是为了方便他走路的。 So everyone losing it over the scene, don’t worry about “Walking Dead” being in Rick’s head. AMC is likely just messing with us. 因此,大家直接忽略了这个镜头,不要担心“行尸走肉”只是瑞克脑海里的幻想。AMC公司很可能在跟我们开玩笑。 We’ll find out sometime after Season 8 premieres on Oct. 22 because we’re never gonna give you up, “Walking Dead.” 《行尸走肉》第八季的第一集将在10月22日播出,之后,一切谜团都将解开。 |