搞事情?麦当劳不小心泄露了iphone 8的设计
Apple is expected to reveal the next version of the iPhone in a matter of weeks - but McDonald's may have just spoiled it for them. 苹果公司预计将在几周后发布最新款手机,但是麦当劳可能已经提前透露给大家了。 An email sent out by the fast-food chain appears to show a picture of the unreleased iPhone 8 , confirming the design ahead of launch. 这家快餐连锁公司的一封邮件显示了还未发布的iphone 8的图片,在该手机发布之前确认了其设计。 The email was sent out to customers in Australia to publicise a 25% discount when they order through the McDonald's smartphone app. 该邮件是澳大利亚的麦当劳发给客户,用来推广麦当劳手机app订餐享受75折优惠的活动。
But rather than show a standard iPhone 7 , the picture clearly shows a handset with a larger full-front display with a notch left at the top for the front-facing camera, earpiece and sensors. 图片上的手机不是标准的iphone 7的样子,从图片上可以很清楚地看出该手机的显示屏比iphone7的大,手机上方左侧的凹槽位置上是前置摄像头、耳机和传感器。 It's highly unlikely McDonald's has seen an approved iPhone 8 design from Apple so it's probably just a mockup or a render created from leaks already floating around on the internet. 麦当劳从苹果公司提前得知iphone 8的设计不太可能,所以很可能这只是一个机模或是网络上流传的泄露的设计。 In fact, that's exactly what mobile reporter Benjamin Geskin reckons has happened. 事实上,手机记者本杰明·盖斯金也认为这件事情其实就是这样的。 Widely expected to be unveiled sometime in the first couple of weeks of September, the iPhone 8 will launch alongside the iPhone 7 s and iPhone 7s Plus. 让人期待已久的iphone8 将于9月初或中旬对外发布,一同发布的还有iPhone 7 s 和iPhone 7s Plus这两款机型。 (翻译:红楼里的小石头) 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |