朋友可以在你寂寞的时候可以陪你说话,在你无助的时候给你一只手,在你生病的时候照看你……下面是有关朋友的谚语英语版,来看看吧~! Try your friend ere you trust him. We shall never have friends if we expect to find them without fault. I will be thy friend, but not thy vices' friend. False friends are worse than open enemies. It is good to have some friends both in heaven and hell. Short acquaintance brings repentance. He that lies down (sleeps) with dogs must rise up with fleas. Better be alone than in bad company. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present. 词汇学习: enemies [ˈɛnəmɪ] 敌人,仇人; heaven[ˈhɛvən]天堂;上帝;天;极乐 好了,以上就是关于“关于朋友的英语谚语:交损友不如无友”的介绍,以上的关于朋友的英语谚语你知道的有几个呢?真正的好朋友是不需要太多言语。那些是在你失意时默默注视着你,拍拍你的肩、握握你的手,给你传递力量的人,值得你敞开心扉、珍惜一生。另外,英语写作或日常沟通交流中可以适当地运用以上的这些句子,一定会给的英语写作考试加分或让你的英语表达更地道,希望以上的内容能给同学们带来帮助。 |