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Experts claim the Atlantic Ocean is 75% too wet. Pole dancing reclassified as an Olympic sport. The cast of Love Island go on to have long-lasting careers. Non-Emmy winning reality TV star becomes leader of the free world.

专家称大西洋含水量75%太湿。钢管舞被列为奥林匹克比赛项目。真人秀节目Love Island的演员永远不会失业。没有得过电视艾美奖的演员才会成为自由世界(统指以前反对苏联集团的非共产主义国家)的国家领袖。

In a year that’s been so unbelievable it’s hard to know what is fact and what is fiction, you can rely on Collins to keep you updated on the words you need to know. The Word of the Year campaign is a chance to reflect on the words that have defined the last 12 months and we can reveal that the 2017 winner is….FAKE NEWS.


The word saw an unprecedented usage increase 365% since 2016.


As defined by Collins, ‘fake news’ means “false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting”.



noun: (1) an imaginary creature depicted as a white horse with one long spiralled horn growing from its forehead, regarded as symbol of innocence and purity (2) a recently launched business enterprise that is valued at more than one billion dollar.


Echo chamber回声室效应

noun: an environment, especially on a social media site, in which any statement of opinion is likely to be greeted with approval because it will only be read or heard by people who hold similar views .


Cuffing season套套狂欢季”

noun: the period of autumn and winter, when single people are considered likely to seek settled relationships rather than engage in casual affairs.


Gig economy零工经济

noun: an economy in which there are few permanent employees and most jobs are assigned to temporary or freelance workers.


