Yes, the residents of Wisteria Lane are skilled at the art of concealment. They know how to cover the evidence of a messy breakup, to compensate for what their children might be missing, and to spare the feelings of a loved one whose taste they may not share. But for some, the art of concealment comes at too great a cost. And so they find themselves forced to reveal the truth, even at the risk of facing an uncertain future. 没错,紫藤郡的居民们,擅做表面文章,他们知道,如何修饰仓促分手的狼狈,如何补偿孩子们缺失的幸福,如何与心爱的家人分享心事,哪怕毫不欣赏对方的品位,但对有些人来讲,遮掩的代价实在太高,所以即使后果未卜,他们还是鼓起勇气说出真相。 |