To any watching admirer, she makes it look easy. As with so much in the business of royalty, the reality is a little more laborious. 不少人羡慕皇室的生活,因为伊丽莎白女王看起来将女王这项工作做得得心应手。然而,在人前显贵的背后,这份“工作”实际上是有些辛苦。 The Queen has given a rare glimpse into the perilous business of wearing the Crown Jewels, as she describes a crown so heavy she must keep her head lifted for fear of breaking her neck. 女王很少戴着王冠出现,因为据她描述,王冠太沉了,戴着它简直无法低头,不然脖子会断。 The crown, which was worn at the end of the Coronation and for most State Openings of Parliament since, was adapted slightly for her, following the death of her father. 在女王的父亲死后,女王在加冕典礼上最、以及在国会议会开幕式上佩戴的那顶王冠,已经为她做了些轻微的调整。 The discreet alteration to the Crown saw its arches lowered to create a smaller, more feminine object for the then-27-year-old Queen. 这顶王冠较之前那顶拱形略低,体积较小,看起来更加女性化,适合当时27岁的年轻女王。 The programme, a one-hour documentary which forms part of the Royal Collection series, also includes the Queen’s personal footage showing, a voiceover remarks, “a more informal mood behind the scenes”. 某电视台推出了一档专门的电视节目,这部时长为一小时纪录片是皇家收藏系列的一部分,系列中还包括女王的私人镜展示,画外音对此的评论是“这是女王鲜为人知的一面”。 One maid of honour is seen tripping, while the Queen giggles, and a young Prince Charles and Princess Anne play underneath her robe. 镜头中可以看到一名女傧相在轻步快走,女王咯咯地笑,查尔斯王子和安娜公主在她的长袍下玩耍。 “Such fun for the children,” Bruce remarks. 珠宝专家布鲁斯说:“这就是孩子们的乐趣。” “Not what they're meant to do,” the Queen notes. 女王解释说:“对,他们并非是有意为之。” Examining the Black Prince's Ruby, part of the Imperial State Crown, she describes a small hole in the stone where Henry V is said to have worn his feather plume during the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. 在查看王冠上的“黑王子红宝石”时,女王讲述了有关宝石上一个小洞的故事,她说亨利四世在1415年阿金尔特战役期间,喜欢把羽毛插在这个小洞里。 “It’s fun to see I think,” she said. “Well the idea that his plume was put into the stone. On his helmet. Bit rash, but that was the sort of thing they did I suppose in those days.” “现在看起来很有趣,”女王说,“将头盔上的羽毛插在石头上是个不错的主意。虽然有点鲁莽,但我认为在那样的条件下也只能这样做了。” Handling the crown confidently, the Queen also pointed to four pearls hanging underneath the arches, two of which are believed to have belonged to Mary Queen of Scots and bought by her Elizabeth I. 女士大胆地拿着王冠,指着拱形下面的四颗珍珠说明它们的来历,其中两颗据说以前属于苏格兰玛丽女王,后被伊丽莎白一世买走。 “They were meant to be Queen Elizabeth's earrings,” she said. “But they're not very happy now. They don't look very happy now. 女王说:“它们原是伊丽莎白一世的耳环。但是现在做了王冠的装饰物,我能看出来它们不怎么高兴。” “Most pearls like to be sort of living creatures so they've just been out, hanging out here for years, it's rather sad. So they don't look very happy.” “大部分珍珠都是有生命的,它们在外面挂了好几年,因此看着有点不高兴。” “Quite dead,” Bruce observed. 布鲁斯说:“哦,它们已经死了。” Laughing, the Queen replied: “Well, I'm afraid so. I mean, the trouble is that pearls are sort of live things, and they need, and they need warming.” 女王笑着答道:“是的,恐怕是这样。这些珍珠都是生物,它们需要温暖。” Speaking at a press screening for the programme, Bruce shared memories of his time with the Queen, disclosing: "She was very practical with the Crown Jewels in a way I wasn't quite expecting." 与女王交谈的珍珠专家布鲁斯在另一档节目中描述了他对女王的印象:“她对王冠珠宝非常在行,这在我的预料之中。” (翻译:进击的Meredith) |