Keria Knightley says she doesn't like modern-day movies for the way they portray women and for regularly featuring themes of sexual abuse. 凯拉奈特利称她不喜欢现代电影,主要是因为里面女性的塑造的角色,因为通常女性动不动就会被性骚扰。 The actress has revealed she much prefers period pieces when selecting her roles because the women are treated much better. 她表示,自己选择出演的女性角色都是在特定时期处境和待遇比现代电影中要好得多。 Speaking to Variety for her cover feature, the 32-year-old English star said: 'I don't really do films set in the modern-day because the female characters nearly always get raped.' 这位登上《Variety》杂志的封面,现年32岁的英伦玫瑰说:“我不喜欢一些现代电影,总是把女性的角色设置在快被强奸边缘。” 'I always find something distasteful in the way women are portrayed, whereas I’ve always found very inspiring characters offered to me in historical pieces.' “我对这些女性的塑造形象感到厌恶,相较之下,我还是更喜欢历史剧中,那些鼓舞人心的女性角色。” Despite not loving some of the movies she's been offered in recent years, the Love Actually star says she's impressed with the strong female characters she sees on television and streaming services - and she's optimistic about the future for female movie roles. 尽管近年来,有些请她出演的电影角色,她并不喜欢。但是这位曾出演《真爱至上》的女明星,在电视和流媒体上出现的强大女性角色让她印象深刻,对于女性电影角色的未来,她还是保持乐观。 'There's been some improvement,' she said. 'I'm suddenly being sent scripts with present-day women who aren't raped in the first five pages and aren't simply there to be the loving girlfriend or wife.' “现在还是有些进步的,”她说道,“我发现现代的一些剧本的前五页没有女性被强奸的场景了,而且她们也不再是简单扮演体贴的女友和温顺的妻子形象。 In her latest biographical drama, Colette, Keira plays the famed French author as she battles against her husband who's passing off her work as his own. 她出演的最新传记片《克莱特》凯拉扮演了一位著名的法国女作家,在发现丈夫以自己名字发表她的作品时发起了反抗。 The Pride & Prejudice star told Variety that the role was empowering especially during such an important time in Hollywood with sexual abuse being openly discussed. 在目前好莱坞女性在受到性虐待时勇敢发声的风口浪尖,这位曾出演《傲慢与偏见》的女明星接受《Variety》采访时称,感觉到自己演的这个角色很有力量。 The actress also spoke about her experiences with disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein - who has been accused by a number of women of sexual harassment - as she admitted that he was 'very professional' toward her. 凯拉还提到了和制片人哈维韦恩斯坦的合作经历,虽然韦恩斯坦收到多名女性性骚扰的指控,但是凯拉坦言,他和自己的合作还是显得很专业的。 'He was famous for phoning people in the middle of the night and screaming at them. He didn't do that to me, and he certainly never asked me for massages or anything like that.' “很多人都知道他喜欢在半夜给人打电话,朝他们发火咆哮,他没有对我这么做,他也从来没有让我给他按摩或者其他类似的要求。” Keira added that she's never been sexually abused on a film set but experienced it four times in her personal life when out at bars. 凯拉补充道,在电影中拍摄中她从来没有被性骚扰过,但是在个人现实生活中有过4次在酒吧外被性骚扰的经历。 'I think everyone has battled their fair share of monsters.' she said. 她说,“我想每个人都曾为了自己的权益和魔鬼战斗过。” (翻译:林浔鸥) |