Taylor Swift surprised two major fans on their wedding day as she sent a big ol’ bunch of flowers and a cute note to the happy couple. 时隔“买房事件”不久,霉霉又一次为自己的两个粉丝送上了惊喜,在二人的婚礼上,她送了两大束鲜花以及祝福卡片。 We're pretty sure most are well aware that Tay Tay is pretty darn generous when it comes to spoiling her fans, so when Brittany Lewis contacted the singer on behalf of his major Swiftie fiance Alexas Gonzalez, he knew there was a chance he might hear something back. 众所周知,霉霉对待粉丝们一直都很慷慨,因此当新郎Brittany Lewis代表他的未婚妻Alexas Gonzalez联系泰勒时,他就知道霉霉不会让他失望的。 Brittany bombarded Taylor with messages asking her to do something a little special for their wedding – and sure enough, T-Swizzle delivered the goods! Brittany不断发信息给霉霉,问其是否可以为他们的婚礼来一点小小的惊喜,答复当然是肯定的,霉霉送来了礼物! Alexas – known to her mates as Lexi – tweeted out a sweet pic of the pair on their wedding day holding the note with the flowers in the background. Alexas——也就是Lewis的未婚妻,在推特上发布了一张婚姻当天的照片,照片中这对新婚夫妻以花为背景,手里拿着泰勒的祝福卡片。 The caption read: ‘Still in freaking shock that @taylorswift13 sent me and my amazing Hubby flowers on our wedding day!’ “泰勒居然给我们送了婚礼贺卡,我还没缓过来呢!”Alexas在图片下面的文字说明中写道。Taylor's note read: ‘You have no idea how honored I am that “Love Story” has been such a big part of your beautiful love story. Have the most magical wedding day and hopefully I can meet you both soon!’ 泰勒在卡片上写道:“听到‘love story’这首歌成就了你们的爱情,我真是倍感荣幸。祝你们有个美妙婚礼,希望很快能见到你们。” (翻译:进击的Meredith) |