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The Spice Girls are reportedly reuniting – albeit not for a tour or a new album. The five members of the British girlband have accepted £10m each in a deal that might include television in China, a new talent show, and a variety of endorsement deals, according to the Sun.


The five-piece met today at Geri Horner's (formerly Halliwell) Hertfordshire home, along with manager Simon Fuller, who is reportedly driving the reunion. Victoria Beckham is said to have assented on the condition that she doesn't have to sing. She posted a photograph of the group on her Instagram account.

这五位今天在(原名Halliwell)Geri  Horner 赫特福德郡的家里相聚.经纪人Simon Fuller也在,据说就是他让她们几位重新回归的。维多利亚·贝克汉姆也同意了,不过她不唱歌。她在她们的Instagram账号上发布了她们的合照。


This May will mark 20 years since Horner left the Spice Girls, drawing their two-year period of global domination to a close. Since splitting in December 2000, following the release of third album Forever, each member has attempted a solo career.


 Brown has acted as a judge on a number of talent shows. Beckham is now a noted fashion designer. Emma Bunton is a radio presenter on Heart London, and Horner has written books and judged on talent shows including the BBC's All Together Now.

Brown在很多选秀节目中担任评委;贝嫂是一位时尚设计师;Emma Bunton是伦敦市中心的一位电梯主持人;另外Horner写了书也在很多选秀节目中担任评委,包括BBC的《All Together Now》.



