She is, of course, referred to as Posh Spice. 她被称为“高贵辣妹” So it's fitting thatVictoria Beckham proved the aptness of her moniker while out-and-about in New York City, this week. 这个称呼用在维多利亚·贝克汉姆的身上再恰当不过了,本周她在纽约就已经实力演绎了这一点。 The brunette babe, 42, was spotted in downtown Manhattan on Thursday afternoon, where she gave the Big Apple a welcome sprinkling of spice. 现年42岁的棕发美女,被拍到在周四下午出现在市中心麦哈顿,给纽约城增添一抹风情。 And, naturally, she oozed class in the process. 事实上,她在举手投足间就表现出与众不同。 She scraped her hair back into a fashionably messy bun and capped the look with a pair of burgundy boots. 她把头发往后梳成一个当下流行慵懒凌乱丸子头,脚上穿着紫红色的靴子 Carrying a matching clutch under her arm, she turned heads as she navigated the streets of Soho, where she was running business-related errands. 手上夹着一个小包,在SOHO街上走着,应该是去处理事业上的一些事情。 Looking chic in one of the world's most exhilarating cities, she still failed to raise a smile. 她衣着时髦地在这个世界上最让人兴奋的城市行走,还是一脸的面无表情。 This is despite the fact she's recently just announced a Spice Girls reunion with ex-bandmates Geri Horner, Melanie B, Mel C and Emma Bunton. 尽管不久之前,她才宣布和辣妹组合成员包括Geri Horner、Melanie B、Mel C和Emma Bunton重聚。 The five women confirmed the news, last week, following much speculation. 上周五位女性均承认此事,引来诸多猜测。 Recently, the fashion designer says that it was the #MeToo movement in Hollywood that inspired her to get back together with the group after years apart. 最近这位设计师说,正是在好莱坞#MeToo(韦恩斯坦性丑闻引发的维护女性权益运动),让她萌生了重组多年前乐队的计划。 She said: "The Time's Up and #MeToo movements have shone a light on how powerful we can be when we work together to bring about change. 她说:“女性的时代来临了,Metoo运动为我们亮了一盏明灯,我们也是有力量的,让我们一起努力带来变革。” "That is incredibly inspiring. My career has always focused on empowering and celebrating women, so the momentum that these movements brought only makes me even more determined and passionate in my beliefs." “这真的非常鼓舞人心。我的事业的重心一直在女性复权,为女性助威,所以这场运动使我更加坚定,让我更加执着我的信仰。” (翻译:林浔鸥) |