Morning offers several benefits that can’t be found at other times of the day. Shifting your schedule might take some adjustment , but it’s worth it. 早上有很多好处是其他时段所没有的。虽然你可能需要一些适应时间才能改变你的时间表,但是这是值得的。 You'll have more energy. 你的精力会更充沛。 Doing your best work means managing your mental energy, and you automatically have more mental energy in the morning when you wake up. 想要发挥你的最好水平,就意味着你要管理你的精力,而你早晨刚醒来的时候自然就有更多的经理。 Even if you didn’t sleep great but enough, you probably have much more mental energy to willfully refocus and let things go that don’t matter. 即使你前一晚上没有睡得太好,但只要睡得足够了,你也会有更多地精力来有意识地集中注意力,同时还能放下那些并不重要的事情。 You can think creatively and have more capacity to use your prefrontal cortex. 你能进行创造性的思维,并且能更好地运用你的前额叶皮质(大脑中管理决策的区域)。 This makes a huge difference for using your time productively as you can choose what you want to work on, and stay on track and follow through. 这对于高效利用时间来说是至关重要的,因为你能选择你想做什么,并且可以有条不紊地按照步骤来做。 You have fewer decisions to make. 你需要做的决定会更少。 You don’t have to do the things that drain mental energy, like making a lot of small decisions. 你不用去做那些消耗你精力的事情,比如做各种小决策。 Small decisions use up our self-control regulator abilities. 小决策会消耗你的自控力。 It’s not a finite resource that runs out, but it gets harder to do as you go along. 虽然自控力并不是那种能用光的有限资源,但是它的确会随着你的使用而越来越难调取。 You go from thinking fast to thinking slow. You get hungrier. 你的思维速度会越来越慢。你还会变得更饿。 Mornings allow you the time and space to work on things that are important. 早晨会让你有时间和自由去做那些重要的事情。
(翻译:能猫) |