The Duke of Cambridge is to be Prince Harry’s best man at his wedding, Kensington Palace has confirmed. 经过肯辛顿宫的确认,哈里王子的伴郎就是剑桥公爵(威廉王子)本尊没错了~ “Prince Harry has asked his brother, the Duke of Cambridge, to be his best man at his wedding to Ms Meghan Markle,” it said. 公告上说,“哈利王子邀请他的哥哥,剑桥公爵担任他和梅根婚礼的伴郎。” “The Duke of Cambridge is honoured to have been asked and is very much looking forward to supporting his brother at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, on 19 May. “威廉王子很乐意答应了,也非常期待5月19日弟弟在温莎城堡的圣乔治教堂举行的婚礼。” “Prince Harry served as best man to the Duke of Cambridge at his wedding to Miss Catherine Middleton in 2011”. “2011年威廉王子大婚的时候,就是哈里王子给他和凯瑟琳·米德尔顿结婚时当的伴郎。” There has been no announcement about who Markle has chosen to be her bridesmaids. 至于梅根选谁当伴娘声明里没有提到。 As president of the Football Association, the duke had been due to attend the FA Cup final on the same day, which would have required him to leave after the early afternoon reception at Windsor Castle, which is being hosted by the Queen. Last month it was reported he had decided he must forgo the football. 不过威廉还是足协的的主席,弟弟大婚的当天正好是足总杯决赛,所以在女王主持的婚礼下午很早他就要从温莎城堡离开,上个月由报道就说他一定会参加足总杯子决赛。 Invitations for the wedding were sent last month. Approximately 600 guests will attend the service. 婚礼的邀请函上个月就已经发出了,大约有600名客人参加。 Unlike the duke’s wedding, there will be no official list of political leaders at the ceremony. The decision was based on the church’s size and the fact that Harry is further removed from the throne. He moved down the line of succession to sixth place after the birth of the duki and duchess’s third child this week. 和威廉的婚礼不同,没有官方出具具体会参加婚礼的政要名单。考虑到教堂的规模,以及哈利王子继承王位的可能性微乎其微。因为继本周小公爵的出生他已经成了排行第六的顺位继承人了。 In the evening, about 200 guests have been invited to a private reception at nearby Frogmore House, hosted by the Prince of Wales. 婚礼当天晚上浮若阁摩尔宫会有200名客人被邀请参加,由威尔士亲王主持婚礼接待晚宴。 (翻译:林浔鸥) |