Kim Kardashian West takes her self-care regimen very seriously. 金卡戴珊在个人护理方面颇为讲究。 Despite her insanely busy work schedule, the reality star, beauty mogul and mom of three, 37, still manages to carve out time for 10 p.m. facials with Melissa Haloossim at Skin Thesis, undergo painful beauty treatments like the vampire facial and sit through 13-hour bleaching sessions while she was platinum blonde to touch up her roots. So, it's no surprise then that when it comes to Kardashian West’s at-home beauty routine, she selects only the most top-notch of products. 她既是素人明星,同时还是美妆达人以及3个孩子的母亲,尽管她的日程每天都排得满满的,卡戴珊仍旧能挤出时间在每晚10点去Melissa Haloossim店里做面部按摩。她进行了“吸血鬼美容法”以及一场长达13个小时的染发,尽管她的金发已经是如此完美。因此,当我们说到戴珊在家中用的都是最顶尖的化妆品时,没有人会感到奇怪。 In a post on her website and app, Kardashian West unveiled the skincare items she's used and love so much, they always need to remain in stock in her bathroom beauty cabinet. 在卡戴珊的个人网站和app上,她展示了自己的爱用并经常使用的化妆品,这些化妆品仍是她囤货的对象。 “I love to try out new beauty and skincare products, but there are some that I’ll just never give up. I've gotten into such a good routine because I use products that work together and really see results!” Kardashian West wrote. 她写道:“我喜欢尝试新产品,但这些已经成了我无限回购的产品。”“我已经养成了护肤的好习惯,这些产品的效果真的是显而易见。” We took a look at the star’s 17 must-haves, and together, they value more than $4,500. (That's one expensive beauty cabinet!) Curious what they are? Check out the star's must-haves below, all of which are shoppable, should you wish to shell out the cash for a few of Kardashian West's pricey picks or just want to splurge on one. 我们从中挑选了一些必备品,它们的总值超过了4500美元。(真是够贵的!)想知道都是哪些产品吗?下面是产品清单,它们全部可以在市面上买到,你可以尝试其中的多个或是某个。 Guerlain Serum: $510 娇兰精华:510美元 Using the brand's exclusive Imperial Orchid Molecular Extract (composed of four different types of orchids), this concentrated serum fights all signs of aging. 该产品采用法国娇兰独家的兰钻精萃原素(包含4种不同的兰花精华),可有效对抗衰老。 Lancer Cleanser: $55 Lancer洁面乳:55美元 From renowned celebrity dermatologist Dr. Harold Lancer's skincare line, this cleanser is enriched with amino acids to remove impurities from the skin. 由著名皮肤病专家Harold Lancer研制,这款洗面奶富含氨基酸,可有效去除污垢。 La Mer Treatment: $245 海蓝之谜面霜:245美元 Using this velvety formula right before bed may help you wake up to skin so radiant, you might not even need concealer. 睡前使用这种配方温和的产品,第二天你的肌肤会如同刚睡醒一样,甚至不用任何的遮瑕产品。 Lancer Exfoliator: $75 Lancer磨砂膏:75美元 Even if you have the most sensitive skin, this scrub gently removes dead cells to leave your complexion glowing. 即使的皮肤是敏感肌,它也能温和地去除死皮细胞,还你闪闪发亮的肌肤。 Bio Oil: $15 百洛油:15美元 Just because it's the least expensive item on Kardashian West's list doesn't make this one any less noteworthy. The tried-and-true oil quickly absorbs into the skin for maximum hydration while helping diminish stretch marks. 虽然它是这些护肤品中最便宜的,但这并不影响它的好用程度。百洛油中的有效成分能够快速被皮肤所吸收,使肌肤得到最大程度的滋润,帮助减少妊娠纹。 Lancer Moisturizer: $125 Lancer 保湿霜:125美元 The lightweight cream comes packed with hyaluronic acid and peptides to plump the skin instantly. 这款保湿霜的质地轻薄,其中的玻尿酸和多肽成分可使肌肤持续饱满。 (翻译:进击的Meredith)