1.a seasonal shake-down 【原句】I think we just had a seasonal shake-down.(S04E07) 【翻译】我们好像被节日版花式拐骗了。 【场景】Max和Caroline在胁迫Han帮她们赶制T恤,苏菲和Oleg也来凑热闹。苏菲为了赢得圣诞节比赛搞了一台戏,帮助Max她们的同时希望把她们的马借过来用在比赛上。 【讲解】 shake down:v. 某种令人讨厌的行为,敲诈勒索。 shake-down:某种新设备器材的试用以及操作人员的培训。可泛指电脑、汽车、机器等一切新产品的试用。例句中shake-down表试飞。 【例句】 This gang tried to shake down the shopkeeper for $ 500 a month with a threat to set fire to his shop. But two cops hiding in the back came out with guns and caught them all. 这伙歹徒试图敲诈老板每月五百美元:他们威胁说否则就烧毁他的店铺。但是两名埋伏在后面的警察持枪出来把他们一网打尽。 Two test pilots and some aircraft engineers are flying that new plane on a shake-down flight. If everything is OK, it'll be put into regular passenger service. 两名试飞员和几位飞机制造工程师在为那架新飞机作试飞,如果飞机运作一切正常,它将被投入日常航运。 2.whittle down 【原句】... and I’ve whittled it down to three.(S04E08) 【翻译】而我已经把工厂名单缩减到最后三家了。 【场景】上集Max她们申请到了银行贷款,Max仍旧沉浸在巨款的喜悦中,有钱的感觉,Caroline一把拿走Max手中的贷款凭证,并已经筹划她们的T恤生产。 【讲解】 whittle down:削减;逐渐减少。 whittle:v. 削(木头);削减。whittle away 切削。 【例句】 They are trying to whittle down our salaries. 他们正著手削减我们的薪水。 Their approach is to whittle away at the evidence to show reasonable doubt. 他们的做法是要削弱证据的说服力以提出合理的质疑。 声明:本文系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。本文翻译仅代表作者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |