老戏骨一般指演艺精湛的影视戏剧老演员,就比如《人民的名义》里的汉东boys天团▼ 也比如最近热播电视剧《远大前程》里集结的40位老戏骨,对戏时的火花四溅,很精彩▼ 今天就来聊聊,深受好评的“老戏骨”用英语怎么说? 之前BBC在报道《人民的名义》的时候,是这么形容祁同伟的▼ The crafty(狡猾的) and calculating(精明的) public security chief(公安局长) and villain(反派) of the show, played by veteran actor(老戏骨) Xu Yajun. He appears decent but turns out to be a sycophant( 阿谀奉承者), always thinking about his next move to advance his political career. 【笔记】 这里的veteran actor就有老戏骨的意思。 veteran可以作名词,表示“经验丰富的人,老手”。 a 20-year veteran of the New York Police Department 在纽约警察署任职20年的老警察 veteran也有形容词的意思,表示“资深的,经验丰富的”。 She's also a veteran campaigner for human rights. 她还是一位经验丰富的人权活动家。 除了veteran,形容资历丰富的人还可以这么说▼ 【名词系列】 ①old-timer No old-timer will touch us. 我从来不吃老派那一套。 ②past master Joe is a past master at getting invitations to parties. 乔对弄到宴会请柬很有一手。 ③old hand He was an old hand at the job. 他做这工作是老手了。 ④stager/ old stager Chen Daoming is an old stager in the Chinese film world. 陈道明中国电影界的老戏骨。 ⑤a man of the world He began to feel that he was a man of the world. 他渐渐觉得自己是个见过世面的人了。 【形容词系列】 ①seasoned season作动词表示“使(木头)风干”,seasoned就有久经风霜的含义了。意思是“经验丰富的;有阅历的;有见识的”。 a seasoned campaigner for human rights 老到的人权活动家 ②experienced She is very experienced in marketing. 她在市场营销方面经验丰富。 ③sophisticated 这个词形容人表示“精于世故的,老练的”,形容物件有“精密的,复杂的”的意思。 |