Facebook has admitted a bug made private posts visible to the whole internet. 脸书公司承认其平台有漏洞使全网可以看到用户未公开的帖子。 Last week, it was revealed that a glitch in Facebook automatically made some posts public – even though users had opted to remain private. 据透露,上周脸书平台的一个故障自动公开了用户的部分帖子,尽管用户选择了不公开发表。 It affected up to 14 million people between May 18 and 27. Facebook has just written to users to warn them of the glitch. 在5月18日至27日该故障影响了1400万人。脸书公司刚刚写信给用户提醒他们这一故障。 ‘Please review your posts,’ Facebook wrote in its alert. “请查看一下你的帖子,”脸书公司在警示中写道。 ‘We recently discovered a technical error between 18 and 27 May that automatically suggested a public audience when you were creating posts. “最近我们发现5月18日至27日平台上有一个技术故障,当你创建帖子的时候,它会自动显示公开发表。 ‘We apologise for this mistake. The problem has been fixed and we’ve changed the audience any posts you made to what you had been using before, just in case. “我们为这一失误向您道歉。该问题已被解决,只是以防万一,我们把您账户所有帖子的查阅权限更改为您之前的设定。 ‘You can go to your activity log to review the posts you made during this time.’ “你可以查看你的活动日志,检查一下这段时间你发表的帖子。” The bug is believed to have occurred while Facebook was testing a new feature. 人们认为这个漏洞是在脸书测试新功能的时候产生的。 The bug could ruin the lives of anyone whose private posts suddenly reached a public audience. 对于那些个人帖子突然被公开的用户而言,该漏洞可能会毁掉他们的生活。 Last year, Harvard University rescinded offers for at least 10 students over ‘obscene memes’ posted to a private Facebook group. 去年哈佛大学撤销了至少10名学生的录取通知书,因为他们在脸书的一个私人聊天群中分享“粗俗的表情包”。 In the chat group, the incoming undergraduates sent each other offensive pictures and jokes that mocked sexual assault, ethnic minorities and the Holocaust. 在那个聊天群中,这些即将入学的大学生互相发送嘲讽性侵犯、少数族裔以及(二战期间纳粹党对犹太人等进行的)大屠杀的无礼图片和玩笑。 (翻译:Dlacus) |