Last Saturday I just attended one of my best friends' wedding along with several other close friends. 上周日,我和几个很亲密的朋友一起,参加了一个挚友的婚礼。 We laughed. We danced. We celebrated. And we shed tears, together. 我们一起开怀大笑,跳舞,庆祝,流泪。 The wedding was a total sensation . 这场婚礼非常震撼。 And I think it proved something to me. 我觉得,它向我证明了一件事。 That is: for all the differences among us and all the forces that try to divide us, they will never exceed the power of love to unite us. 那就是:尽管我们彼此之间有千般不同,尽管会有各种力量企图让我们离散,但它们永远不可能战胜我们之间的爱,是爱让我们团结在了一起。 We live in a world that distrusts feelings. 我们生活的这个世界并不信任情感。 Over and over, we are reminded that feelings are not as important as reason, that feelings are childish, irresponsible and dangerous. 我们总是被反复提醒着:情感没有理性重要,情感是幼稚的,是不负责任的,是危险的。 We were taught to ignore them, control them or deny them. 我们被教导着去无视情感、控制情感、否认情感。 We barely understand what they are, where they come from and how they seem to understand us better than we undertand ourselves. 我们几乎不知道它们到底是什么、从哪里来,也不知道它们为何似乎比我们自己更了解我们自己。 But I know that feelings matter. 但我知道,情感是重要的。 Sometimes they are little, like when I smell cinnamon toast I miss my grandma. 有的时候,它们很微小,就像当我闻到肉桂土司的味道时就会开始想念奶奶。 And sometimes they are huge. 而有的时候它们又很巨大。 Reason helps us survive. 理智让我们能够存活于世。 But only by being completely honest with our feelings can we truly live. 但只有当我们坦诚接受自己的情感,我们才能真正地算是活着。
(翻译:能猫) |