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Well, ... as you know, at the moment I'm studying at ...

Well, ... as I told you before, at the moment I'm working at ...

I'm preparing right now to go to ... , so my short-term plan is to ...

I've already found out a lot about (your intended course), for instance, ...

If I'm successful, I'll probably ... So, in the long-term, I hope to ...

If I'm not successful, that is, if something goes wrong, I think I'll probably ...

I'm certain I'll (do something)

I'm going to (do something)

I'm intending to (do something)

I'm thinking of (doing something)

I'm hope to (doing something)

I'm certain I'll be (doing something)

I'm going to be (doing something)

I intend do be (doing something)

I think I'll be (doing something)

I hope to be (doing something)

I'll most probably (be able to) (do something)

I'll probably (be able to) (do something)

I'll possibly (be able to) (do something)

I possibly won't (be table to) (do something)

I probably won't (be table to) (do something)

I most probably won't (be table to) (do something)

I might even ...

Of course, I could always ... , if ...

It's always possible that ...

Perhaps I'll even ...

I've thought about (doing something)

I've got a good chance of (doing something)

I've got a 50-50 chance of (doing something)

I've got a reasonable chance of (doing something)

I've got little chance of (doing something)

I've got no chance of (doing something)
