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to blow a fuse 勃然大怒


电路中“保险丝”的英文单词是 fuse。当电流过强时,保险丝会被烧断,我们通常用动词 break 或 blow 来描述这个状况,即 the fuse breaks 或 the fuse blows。日常生活中,如果说一个人 blows a fuse “把保险丝烧坏了”,指此人突然间因某事而勃然大怒、大发雷霆。 


When I told my wife how much I had spent on my bike she blew a fuse.

John blew a fuse when I told him I hadn't finished my report on time.

The teacher blew a fuse when the student refused to put away his phone during the lesson.


另一个同样含有单词 fuse 的表达 short fuse 形容的是脾气急躁,动不动就大发雷霆 blow a fuse 的人。但是单词 fuse 在这里的意思并不是保险丝,而是导火索。一个人的“导火索”越短,发起脾气也就越突然。


Don't play any jokes on Terry. He has a very short fuse and won't find it funny.

My dad had a short fuse so we usually had to be very quiet and keep out of his way, particularly if he had had a bad day at work.
