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a tower of strength 中流砥柱


在英语里 a tower of strength 用来形容一个非常可以信赖的人,一个支柱般的人,一个中流砥柱。同义短语是 a pillar of strength.


After losing my job, Stefan was a tower of strength and encouraged me to start looking for new employment.

Jane was a real tower of strength for the family following their devastating news.

David is always a tower of strength when things turn horrible at work.


形容某人脱离实际,孤芳自赏就是 to be in an ivory tower 身在象牙塔里。

Our local politician seems to live in an ivory tower – he doesn't know what it's really like to live in this area.

If you didn't spend so much time in your ivory tower, you'd know what people really think.
