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2023-12-07 09:07:22 17




句①I know a garden.

句②You can find wild strawberries there.

把句②变为句①的定语从句,句①中的agarden做定语从句的先行词。在句②中there指句①中提到的agarden也就是定语从句的先行词,there在句中做地点状语,因此要用where引导定语从句,代替句②中的there,也就是说there就不能出现在定语从句中了。由此得到句③I know a garden where you can find wild strawberries.

句②还可以写作句④You can find wild strawberries in it(it指句①中的garden,“在花园中”要使用介词短语in the garden)。把句④变为句①的定语从句,因为it做介词in的宾语,先行词是agarden,指物。在这种定语从句中介词常常提到定语从句的开始,这时关系代词只能使用which替代it,it就不能在定语从句中出现了。由此得到句⑤即:I know a garden in which you can find wild strawberries.



This is the village.

I was born there.

→This is the village where I was born.


The lab is not far from here.

The chemist often does experiments there.

→The lab where the chemist often does experiments is not far from here.



句①We shall remember the days.

句②We studied together then.

把句②变为句①的定语从句,句①中的the days做定语从句的先行词。在句②中then指句①中提到的the days,也就是定语从句的先行词,then在句中做时间状语,因此要用when引导定语从句,代替句②中的then,也就是说then就不能出现在定语从句中了。由此得到句③We shall remember the days when we studied together.

句②还可以写作句④We studied together during the days.(介词短语during the days含义为“在这些日子里”)。把句④变为句①的定语从句,因为the days做介词during的宾语,先行词是the days,指物,在定语从句中介词during提前,用关系代词which替代the days,the days就不能在定语从句中出现了。由此得到句⑤We shall remember the days during which we studies together.



I've always longed for the days.

I should be able to be independent then.

→I've always longed for the days when I should be able to be independent.


There are moments.

I forget all about it then.

→There are moments when I forget all about it.



句①He wanted to know the reason.

句②I was late for the reason.

把句②变为句①的定语从句,句①中的the reasons做定语从句的先行词。因为the reason做介词for的宾语,先行词是the reason指物,在定语从句中介词for提前,用关系代词which替代the reason,the reason就不能在定语从句中出现了。由此得到句③He wanted to know the reason for which I was late.

注意:在定语从句中当先行词为the reason(s),定语从句由for which引导时,可以用why代替for which。由此我们得到句⑤He wanted to know the reason why I was late.


The reason is not very convincing.

He came for the reason.

→The reason why he came is not very convincing.

The reason for which he came is not very convincing.




1.There came a day.The rain fell at last then.

2.This is the hour.The place is always full of women and children then.

3.We will start at the point.We left off there.

4.Give me one good reason.I should help you for the reason.

5.This is the factory.His father works there.

6.I don't know the reason.You quarreled with him.

7.I'll never forget the days.We studied together then.


1.All___is needed is a supply of oil.

A.the thing  B.that  C.what  D.which

2.Finally,the thief handed everything___he had stolen to the police.

A.which  B.what  C.whatever  D.that

3.In fact the Swede did not understand the three questions____were asked in French.

A.where  B.who  C.in which  D.which

4.Can you tell me the name of the factory___you visited last week?

A.what  B.where  C./  D.when

5.His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone___family was poor.

A.of whom  B.whom  C.of whose  D.whose

6.After living in Paris for 50 years he returned to the small town____he grew up as a child.

A.which  B.that  C.where  D.when

7.The film brought the hours back to me____I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

A.until  B.that  C.when  D.where



1.There came a day when the rain fell at last.

2.This is the hour when the place is always full of women and children.

3.We will start at the point where we left off.

4.Give me one good reason why I should help you.

5.This is the factory where his father works.

6.I don't know the reason why you quarreled with him

7.I'll never forget the days when we studied together.

二、高考答案:1-5 BDDCD 6-7 CC 
