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词语大辨析精讲 十

alter 改变,变更,指衣服等表面或局部做部分变动,而没有变成另一种事物
change 改变,变更,指位置,性质,外表,形式或是数量与质量等改变.常与into连用.
convert 使转变,变化,一般只表示事物的外表及用途等方面发生的次要变化,而不是本质上的巨大变化,也可用于改变某人的政治观点、信仰.这个词义是其他词所没有的
modify 修改,变更,较正式,常用以表示意见,计划或形式,质量方面不大的变化
shift 指位置或方向的移动,改变
transform 指外形或面貌的改变,彻底改变性格,性质等
vary 改变,不同,有区别,变化

1.If your coat is too long,the tailor can___it to fit you.
A.alter B.convert C.change D.modify
2.Great ___ have taken place since he left.
A.alters B.converts C.changes D.transforms
3.He used to be a Christian,but he is now___ to Buddhism.
A.converted B.changed C.transformed D.reformed
4.Prices that ___ with the quality.
A.shift B.vary C.convert D.alter
5.The wind has ___ from north to south.
A.shifted B.converted C.altered D.transformed
6.Many military factories have been ___ into civil ones in order to meet the needs of the country.
A.altered B.varied C.shifted D.transformed
7.The inventor ___ his original design in order to increase the machine’s effiency.
A.exchanged B.converted C.modified D.cultivated

1.If your coat is too long,the tailor can alter it to fit you.如果你的衣服太大,裁缝会给你改的合身.
2.Greatchanges have taken place since he left.他走后变化很大.
3 He used to be a Christian,but he is now.converted to Buddhism.他过去是一个基督教徒,现在改信佛教.
4.Prices that vary with the quality.价格随质量不同而变化.(vary with…随…而变化)
5.The wind has shifted from north to south.风向从北转到了南.
6.Many military factories have been transformed into civil ones in order to meet the needs of the country.为了适应国情的需要,我们把很多军用工厂改成了民用工厂.
7.The inventormodified his original design in order to increase the machine’s efficiency.发明者改变原来的设计目的是提高机器的效率.
