What are some financial tips that every student should know? 每个学生都该知道什么省钱窍门?
获得36.8k好评的回答@Anubhav Jain:
1. This is more than sufficient— 1.这个就够用了 while this is a show off— 这个只是用来炫耀的
2. This has the same taste— 2.这两个味道一样 as this—
3. This mode of travel— 3.这种旅行方式 is faster than this— 比这个更快
4. This watch— 4.这块表 and this watch— 和这块表 both show the same time! 显示的时间是一样的!
5. If you want to multiply your investments in the future, invest 8 to 10 Rupees and 1 hour daily on this(or any other good newspaper)— 5.如果你想要未来投资成倍增加,每天花8-10卢比和一个小时看这个(或任何其他好报纸) This will give you more than a thousand time returns in future. 这会让你在未来获得超过1千倍的收益。
6. Pocket money is not a free incentive but a hard earned income of someone! Don't waste it on someone who will friend-zone you in future. 6.零用钱不是白来的,而是别人辛苦赚来的!所以不要浪费在将来会把你划入“朋友区”(不考虑做恋人)的人身上。 Things purchased from our own earnings can be a display of luxury but before that we must focus on necessity. 用自己赚来的钱买的东西可以用来彰显奢华,但在这之前我们只能买必需品。
7. You can sit here also- 3.你也可以坐这儿 it’s safer than this- 比这个安全
8. This T-shirt- 4.这个T恤 and this T-shirt – 和这个T恤
9. Spend your time here- 5.把你的时间花在这儿 instead of- 而不是
(翻译:菲菲) |