A couple of months ago a video surfaced on the Internet showing a rather monstrous animal, calling it the 'World's ugliest animal'. As it turns out, it is a rare goat called a Damascus goat, also known as Shami. Now, this rare-breed has become extremely valuable, and according to goat connoisseurs, their price can go all the way up to $67.000 USD. This breed first received a lot of attention back in 2008 when one surprisingly won the 'Most Beautiful Goat' award in Saudi Arabia. 数月之前,一段视频在网上浮出水面,视频里有一只形同野兽的动物,被称为“世界上最丑陋的动物”。事实上,这是一只稀有品种的山羊,叫做大马士革山羊,又名Shami羊。现在,这种稀有品种羊已经变得极其珍贵,据专业的山羊估价员估算,身价可高达6万7千美元。这一品种的山羊初次进入人们的视野是在2008年,一只大马士革山羊出人意料的获得了沙特阿拉伯举办的“最美山羊比赛”冠军,顿时成为视线焦点。 Damascus goat is a breed of goat with an unique head and mouth shape raised in Syria, Cyprus and Lebanon. It is generally used in milk production. What's shocking about these animals is the difference between their looks when they're young and when they grow up. What seems to be an incredibly cute goat with incredibly long ears later turns into a monstrosity that could scare many people. 大马士革这一品种的山羊长着形状独特的脑袋,嘴部的轮廓也很有个性。他们生活在叙利亚,塞浦路斯和黎巴嫩,通常的工作是为人们供应羊奶。这种山羊的惊人之处在于,他们小时候的样子和成年后的样子大相径庭。小时候它们有很长的耳朵,非常可爱,长大后却会长成怪物,可能吓跑很多人。 Scroll down to see these animals yourself, and don't forget to tell us what you think in the comments! 往下翻,自己看看这些动物,别忘了在评论中告诉我们你的想法哟。
1.网友评论:This one looks incredibly cute and fluffy . 这只看起来毛绒绒的,超级可爱!
2.网友评论:This one looks like a mixture between a brontosaurus with ears and an very confused looking sock puppet. 这只看起来既像是长耳朵的雷龙,又像是带着懵逼表情的布袋木偶,简直是两者的合体!
3.网友评论:Tumor, anyone? 有没有人觉得,它看起来像是长了肿瘤。
4.网友评论:These are some seriously disturbing nightmare goats. 他们的模样实在让人困扰,可能会让我做噩梦。
5.网友评论:The inspiration for Ludo in Labyrinth, his/her eyes are very beautiful,though. 这只是电影《迷宫》里的怪兽鲁多的原型吗,不过,他/她的眼睛倒是挺美的。
6.网友评论:If they're out in pasture , they may crop their ears to prevent injuries and infections. Goats don't discriminate. They go wherever they feel like going, and those dangling ears are at risk of being torn. 如果这些山羊有在野外活动的习性,人们就会把它们的耳朵截去,以免耳朵受伤或者感染。山羊可没有地域歧视,它们通常会想去哪儿就去哪儿,它们的耳朵又大又垂,如果不截去,很可能被扯坏。
7.网友评论:I know it's common practice to remove the tails from sheep because it prevents a ton of health issues, infections, and various diseases that they can get. Goat ears may be similar in this case, it looks like they may get in the food and knowing goats, they would chew on them and get infections and from there all of the above. But I don't really know too much about goats. 我知道截去山羊的尾巴是畜牧业的惯例,这种做法可以保护山羊免受各种健康问题的侵扰,比如细菌感染还有各种疾病。大马士革山羊之所以要截去耳朵可能也是类似的情况,如果不这样做,它们的耳朵有可能会垂进食物里,山羊这种动物你懂的,它们可能会咬到自己的耳朵,接着伤口可能会感染,情况可能会很糟。不过我对山羊的了解也不是很多。
8.网友评论:Looks like that alien race tried to invade the earth diguised as goats. well, almost worked... 这看起来就像一个外星人企图袭击地球,所以伪装成了山羊。好吧,看起来和地球山羊差得不多了……
9.网友评论:I had to look at this for a while before I "got" it. I think he's actually rather lovely. 得要盯着它看一会儿才能看“懂”。我觉得它还挺可爱的。
10.网友评论:Looks like something from Star Wars. 简直就像是《星球大战》里的角色。
11.网友评论:Just hope it can eat OK! 我希望它能正常吃东西!
12.网友评论:No time for pictures or autographs , people. I'm going to be late to the haridressers! 没时间拍照签名了,人类粉丝们。我跟发型师有预约,我快要迟到了。
13.网友评论:Actually I think they are quite lovely in a funny way. 其实我觉得他们挺可爱的,丑萌丑萌的。
14.网友评论:I'm waiting for them to throw dollar bills... 我在等着他们对我撒美金呢…… |