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Did you finish the latest season of Netflix's Stranger Things and are impatient to see what happens next?


You might have to wait a bit longer than expected: in a new interview with Variety,David Harbour says that the next season might not premiere on the streaming service until 2019.

你可能要等的时间比预期的要长一些:在《Variety》杂志最新的一次采访中,David Harbour说下一季可能要到2019年才会在流媒体服务上首播。


Netflix has already ordered a third season for the show,but Ross and Matt Duffer are still working on the season's scripts, according to Harbour and he adds that they likely won’t begin filming until April.

据Harbour透露,Netflix已经为这部剧预定了第三季,但Ross和Matt Duffer仍在制作这一季的剧本,他补充说,这部剧可能要到4月份才会开始拍摄,


“Like any good thing,” he says, “[Ross and Matt] need time. And those guys work so hard. I mean, they just sit in their apartment and write for 12, 14 hours a day.”


The show was a surprise hit for Netflix when it debuted in 2016, but Netflix had already greenlit a writer's room for the second season, which meant that they had already hammered out the major beats of Season 2 before it was renewed. 


Stranger Things isn’t the only major show to face a year-long delay: the final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones is also expected to debut in 2019.


