We all know that the blue light that emits from our smartphones isn't good for our eyes, but a new study has discovered just how much damage it can cause. 我们都知道智能手机发出的蓝光对眼睛有伤害,但一项最新研究发现了这些蓝光的具体的伤害程度。 Researchers say that this light is absorbed by vital molecules in our retina and triggers the production of a toxic chemical that kill cells. 研究人员发现,视网膜上面的主要分子会吸收这些蓝光,并会产生有毒的化学物质来杀死细胞。 This damage can lead to large blind spots in our vision that are the hallmark of macular degeneration, a disease that leads to blindness. 这种伤害可导致视力出现大面积盲点,也就是黄斑病变的典型特征。这种疾病最终会导致失明。
The team from the University of Toledo in Ohio says it is urging the public to not use phones in the dark because this can dilate pupils and lead to even more harmful blue light entering our eyes. 来自俄亥俄托莱多大学的研究小组,呼吁公众不要在暗处使用手机,这样会导致瞳孔放大,而且导致更多蓝光进入我们的眼睛。 Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss for those age 50 or older, according to the National Eye Institute. 国立眼科研究所的数据表示,由于黄斑病变导致视力减弱的主要是50岁及以上的人群。 Sufferers will experience blurred vision or even 'blind spots' in their central vision that may grow larger as the retina dies. 患者通常会觉得在视觉中心区域视力模糊,或者出现“盲点”,而且随着视网膜细胞坏死盲点的区域会扩大。 According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, 9.1 million Americans have early AMD and 2.1 million above age 50 have late AMD, which is a stage of severe vision loss. 根据美国眼科学会,910万美国人有早期黄斑病变,有210万年龄超过50岁的美国人有晚期黄斑病变,也就是视力重度损害。 For this study, the team decided to focus on retinal, a form of vitamin A found in the retina that coverts light into metabolic energy. 从研究结果来看,研究小组把重心放在视网膜上,在视网膜上发现的一种维生素A能够把光转换成代谢能。 Photoreceptor cells, use retinal to covert light into signals that are sent to the brain. 感光细胞通过视网膜将信号传递给大脑。 The team did find a molecule, a vitamin E derivative known as alpha tocopherol, that can stop the cells from dying. 研究小组发现一种分子,是维他命E的衍生物也就是α生育酚,能够阻止细胞的死亡。 DrKarunarathne says some of the ways we can protect ourselves include wearing sunglasses that can filter both UV and blue light, using blue light filters on our phones, and not looking at cell phones or tablets in the dark. 有以下几种方式可以保护我们,包括佩戴太阳眼镜可以滤掉UV和蓝光,在手机上用蓝光滤膜,不要在黑的地方玩手机和平板,Karunarathne博士如是说。 (翻译:林浔鸥) |